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iCloud sync warning with Time Machine backups #1399

Open runrunrirun opened 4 years ago

runrunrirun commented 4 years ago

So I just had to restore a 2 week old TM backup on one of my iCloud-connected machines and abruptly realized that if you are using iCloud for sync with Quiver, you will lose any data in your current library because TM will overwrite the local copy which is then synced to iCloud :(

I actually notice this was mentioned in a comment here a few years ago, I think it should be more prominently called out in the section on cloud sync in the app/help/wiki. I had previously used Dropbox, and didn't even enter my head that iCloud lacks the versioning of Dropbox.

Apple has it's own versioning architecture, but that is obviously not cross-platform. Automated checkpoint backups which have been requested for ages would also help alleviate this problem.

runrunrirun commented 4 years ago

I learned something new about iCloud today when launched Quiver from the library file in iCloud Drive by double clicking it because Quiver was not seeing sync updates from another device. Finder then informed me that there were multiple conflicting sync versions, including the most up to date version I thought had been lost, and I was able to tell iCloud to use that version. There followed a lengthy and very confusing sync bingo which required me to keep insisting that each device use the same version of the library file by clicking on the library file in iCloud Drive on each one. Eventually everyone was on the same page.

So ... still think it would be useful to document these caveats around iCloud with Quiver somewhere, I'm actually surprised that nobody else has encountered the Time Machine restore scenario before. Maybe I'm just dumb...

piccoloportfolios commented 4 years ago

I had a similar problem, except I don't have time machine, so it was just a complete conflict and all my files were deleted because the file wouldn't update from the machine I was using. I couldn't even save the library. Eventually, the other machine over-wrote it.

yorch commented 3 years ago

Just recently moved my Quiver library from Google Drive to iCloud and it has been a pain, as I've found conflicts and syncing issues. I thought I was gonna be able to stop depending on Google Drive but I guess I'm stuck with Quiver and Google Drive until I can export all of my notebooks (including metadata) to something like Joplin, which is really promising and I've just started playing with it.

I've enjoyed Quiver for many years so thanks to the dev for it, but I think it's time to move to something else that I can use in other devices besides my MacBooks.