HappenApps / Quiver

Quiver documentation and issue tracker
2.26k stars 109 forks source link

Opensource the application code #1485

Open eusebium opened 2 years ago

eusebium commented 2 years ago

Hi, if you are still alive, can you release to the community the Quiver code? Is a great application with lack of updates and support.

Thank You

mm4nn commented 2 years ago

Yes. Please either provide proof of life (of the application's development) We can see that there is activity on your GitHub profile for private repositories but that does not mean you are working on Quiver--you can be working on other things.

So please at least let us know that there is a chance that you are working on Quiver updates OR please please please open source the code so that the community may take over. I have been searching for an equivalent and nothing has come close... Evernote, Notion, MWeb, etc... nope, nope, nope, nope.