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Manually sorting items with sub-notebooks crashes Quiver #1494

Open Penumbra69 opened 2 years ago

Penumbra69 commented 2 years ago

When you create a notebook with a sub-notebook, and a sub-notebook under that one (with notes in each level) - giving you a structure like:

If you select the highest level notebook - you see all notes from all sub-notebooks (which is cool) - and are set to sort by Updated. The issue arises when if you select the 2nd level notebook (Chapter here) which is set to manual sort - and you try to drag to re-order any of the notes.

This immediately causes Quiver to crash.

Penumbra69 commented 2 years ago

This may be hard to reproduce - it looks like I had taken a stand alone notebook (Chapter) which was set to Manual - and dragged it into the new top-level notebook (Book). Which retained the Manual sorting. I tried to re-create this issue, but the "Manual" sort is greyed out when I try to do it normally. So this may be a retention of the "Manual" sort when re-rooting itself to the 2nd level of the sub-notebook. The 3rd level is allowed to sort manually, so IDK entirely what's going on here..