HappenApps / Quiver

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.qvlibrary file missing; all notes lost #1498

Open tanschwarz opened 2 years ago

tanschwarz commented 2 years ago

I've been using Quiver for some months and have extensive notes on it. The library was synced to iCloud. On opening Quiver yesterday, I receive the following notification: The library "/User/name/Library/Mobile documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Quiver.qvlibrary" could not be opened.

Quiver notification

I've done the following checks: 1) The Quiver.qvlibrary file is not anywhere in my iCloud drive, nor does it show up in Recently Deleted items on iCloud.

2) In Quiver > Preferences > Sync the path in Current Library is blank. Trying to move the library or save it has no effect (no file shows up at chosen location).

3) I have 2 directories called com.happenapps.Quiver and com.happenapps.Quiver.QuiverWebClipper in ~/Library/Containers but the Quiver.qvlibrary isn't in either of them

The notification says that my notes are safe, but I seem to have lost all of these. Is there any way the notes can be recovered?

dhoerl commented 2 years ago

Maybe you have a local copy? Mine is in /Users/dhoerl/Library/Containers/com.happenapps.Quiver/Data/Library/Application Support/Quiver/Quiver.qvlibrary

If not, then in Terminal from your home directory run "find . -name Quiver.qvlibrary"