HappenApps / Quiver

Quiver documentation and issue tracker
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Quiver is hanging (not responding) after sitting in background. #1500

Open inspiredearth opened 2 years ago

inspiredearth commented 2 years ago

I’ve been using Quiver for many years. It’s never had issues of not responding, until recently.

In past few months it will often (many time a day, usually) hang when it’s sitting in the background for an extended period. I have it open all the time, so it’s sitting in the background throughout the day.

At some point, I’ll try to bring it to foreground, and it won’t come. I find it’s in a “not responding” state, and I have to force quit it.

This is on a MacBook Air M1 (2020). macOS 12.3.1.

Here is the error report that macOS offered to send to Apple (who I know will do nothing about this issue, as it’s not their application). It means nothing to me, but perhaps it will help in identifying the issue. See attached txt file.


reafian commented 3 months ago

I was just about to open up a similar issue. I find that if Quiver is set to automatically open on boot then the application sits in the Dock becomes unresponsive. It won't open and it won't close unless it's forced. Normally, I just force quit the app, restart it and move on as this is just one minor niggle in an otherwise great app but it would be good if it could be fixed. The problem is that I can't see any reason, or mention of the issue, in any log files so I don't actually know where to start looking to provide more information.