HappenApps / Quiver

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anyone can contact this guy to opensource it ? #1507

Open joebnb opened 1 year ago

joebnb commented 1 year ago

as title say, anyone can contact ,we can maintain it in community

hasnolen commented 1 year ago

Seriously. If anyone knows of anyone that knows him, I’d bet we could make it worth his while.

hasnolen commented 1 year ago

When Apple drops x86_64 emulation mode we won’t be able to use this at all anymore.

runrunrirun commented 1 year ago

Speaking from experience, it's unlikely open sourcing it would accomplish much, it's all macOS frameworks and Objective-C and these require specific experience that is much less common. Most open source projects with a Mac native client are just as dead. It would also need someone with an Apple Developer account to codesign it.

It's actually kind of a tribute to Apple's backwards compatibility that it still runs after 3 years with no updates, I still use it almost every day mostly out of inertia, but I've been working quite a bit with Joplin, and apart from the fact that it's a big and kind of sluggish Electron app, it's basically Quiver-equivalent and actually feature superior (has mobile clients, supports encryption, more sync options). There's really no reason to stay with Quiver.

hasnolen commented 1 year ago

Well, we could theoretically at least compile an Apple Silicon / ARM-native version of it which might be a bit more future-proof (without needing much ObjC-specific knowledge)… you’re right though that it’s impressive that it’s lasted this long with zero maintenance.

hasnolen commented 1 year ago

Speaking from experience

Interested to hear about this -- what software was your experience with?

runrunrirun commented 1 year ago

Speaking from experience

Interested to hear about this -- what software was your experience with?


A couple of guys have managed to keep it running on current macOS, but it hasn't had any development for over a decade, and it's so codebase is so old that it would be easier to start over than convert it to Swift. It's a shame, since imho it's the best IRC client ever made.

joebnb commented 1 year ago

his account have activities,and it seems current he is working on machine learning

hasnolen commented 1 year ago


A couple of guys have managed to keep it running on current macOS,

@runrunrirun I was about to say well, at least they probably have a resultant Apple Silicon native build so it's unlikely to break for that (lack of native build) reason, but… then I saw that it in fact does not have one pre-built, and not only that, it failed to build on my Apple Silicon machine for some esoteric reason, and I gave up.

So… touché.

oliverepper commented 1 year ago

Has anyone contacted him, yet? I could give it a shot with doing an aarch64 build.

pglombardo commented 1 year ago

It's sad to see this project die. I myself am going to export all my notes and stop using Quiver.

WLyKan commented 6 months ago

may be we can initiate a petition here https://twitter.com/happenapps/status/1090137781404344320