HappenApps / Quiver

Quiver documentation and issue tracker
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Opensource this project please #1511

Open kmaqsudi opened 3 months ago

kmaqsudi commented 3 months ago

Can you opensource this project if no one is maintaining it for past few years?

mwkirk commented 2 months ago

I've got ~10 years of notes stored in Quiver. Every year when I update MacOS, I fear I'm going to lose everything. I've never found another note-taking app that works as well.

I'd happily pay to help incentivize maintenance of Quiver -- and I suspect many others would as well, but I realize that's probably not enough to make a difference. Failing that, I think we'd all be willing to donate and be eternally grateful if you'd open-source it! :)

kuzmik commented 3 weeks ago

Seconded this; at some point this won't work when they drop rosetta on arm macs, and that's going to be an issue for a lot of people.

That said, people have been asking for this for a lot of years now, and nothing but radio silence from the dev. So if I were you, I'd start exporting notes now and finding a different application.

manishkumaracv commented 2 weeks ago

I love this app but I am worried that I might lose it all one day. It'd be great if this app could be open-sourced.