HappenApps / Quiver

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Custom command palette #18

Open LeonardoGentile opened 9 years ago

LeonardoGentile commented 9 years ago

Hello, this is more a wish than a suggestion, because I know it could be kind of difficult. It could be very interesting and useful to have a general command palette a la SublimeTex. By hitting 'cmd-shift-p' we could chose what to do, some example:

I know that many of this command already have shortcuts but people tend to forget them considering that a developer uses a large number of tools and each of them has their own shortcuts. Also it should be very important to reduce the use of the mouse to the minimum, being able to perform any operation without detaching the hands from the keyboard

Thanks and good work

ylian commented 9 years ago

Keyboard navigation is significantly improved in the coming update, as well as many keyboard shortcuts for formatting.

The idea of a command palette is a great one. I would like something like that myself. It's definitely doable.

LeonardoGentile commented 9 years ago


LeonardoGentile commented 9 years ago

Thank you for your work, really! On top of this I think it would be awesome if we could customise the shortcuts via a configuration file or similar.

Right now we can overwrite the keyboard shortcut by System Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts/App Shortcuts/ then select quiver, then the command and then we input the shortcut.

This is tedious and not portable from one machine to another. A way to customize the shortcut from within Quiver would be really nice

ylian commented 9 years ago

Could you open a separate ticket for that? Thanks. GitHub Issues is awesome.

LeonardoGentile commented 9 years ago

sure, see #31