HappenApps / Quiver

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Feature Request support mermaid diagrams? #765

Open ArEnSc opened 7 years ago

ArEnSc commented 7 years ago


cocoaaa commented 5 years ago

+1: This would be really helpful!

egel commented 2 years ago

Yes I agree, adding mermaid to Quiver would be an awesome feature especially I have lot of developer diagrams and this would be very helpful for me to be able to document all in here.

@ylian is there anything I could help you with to be able to push this feature further? 😃

resting commented 1 year ago

Started to draft diagrams with mermaid recently, have started to experiment using vscode as my main editor which has great support for most dev stuffs.

I do miss the block level editing though, and maybe a better search rather than vscode's text search.