HappyPorch / uSplit

A/B Testing plugin for Umbraco
The Unlicense
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uSplit test results not being reported back to Google Analytics. #24

Open pauloya opened 5 years ago

pauloya commented 5 years ago

Hi, We have a problem that uSplit is not reporting experiment results back to Google Analytics. When clearing cookies and refreshing the tested site we see all the variations being shown properly, we see the activity on the said site in Real-Time -> Overview tab of Google Analytics. We downloaded the repository and debugged it and we see that in function OnResultExecuted of class VariationReportingActionFilterAttribute, variationReported is being set as true but in the experiment view in Google Analytics -> Behavior -> Experiments we don't see any activity and my Experiment Session count is sitting at 0. We dont see any errors in the logs as well.

Some additional info (No idea if that is relevant):

Our flow of creating an experiment: Click "A/B Testing" -> "Create a new experiment" -> Go to experiments page -> "Clone original" to the same folder as original -> Change the variation -> Save and publish it -> Go to Google Analytics/Behavior/Experiments -> Click the experiment -> Set up the Metric -> Click "Save for later" -> Go back to Umbraco and Start the experiment

ondrejpialek commented 5 years ago

Hi @pauloya, sounds like the reporting to GA is not working as it should. Do you see experiments listed in the Tree in the bacoffice? Are they started? If so how is your "reporting of variations to google" setup?

This is usually a piece of JS that tells Google that an experiment was run. This is not reported on the server side but on the client side and this code needs to be compatible with how you have GA setup on your website. uSplit offers a number of methods to report the variation - which one are you using? Have you tried any of the other ones?

alikazai commented 5 years ago

Hi I'm having the same issue. the google api is working and its creating the experiment however no data is being collected. also when i look into the source code for the page there is no tracking data being inserted in the page. thanks

alikazai commented 5 years ago

Also i have now fully tested the other variations @Html.AbTesting.AnalyticsJsScriptTag() & @Html.AbTesting.CxApiScriptTags() as well as making sure the analytics.js file is in the header. all of which does not help google analytics track the data.