HardCorePawn / multibit_recovery

Python scripts that help with recovering funds from "broken" MultiBit HD and MultiBit Classic wallets due to the "Password did not unlock the wallet" issue
MIT License
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"Not a keyfile??" #9

Open rwdean opened 3 years ago

rwdean commented 3 years ago

Trying to open my encrypted keys, but from the command window i get a 'not a keyfile??' notification. Same error hands with newly created, empty encrypted keys as well.

HardCorePawn commented 3 years ago

which version of multibit are you running? and can you provide one of the newly created, empty encrypted .key files (and password) as well so that I can inspect/test it?

rwdean commented 3 years ago

Multibit Classic Version 0.5.19 ok, i spent some more time on it. Running -python decrypt_multibit_classic_keys.py multibit-\.key- from the command line gives this error every time, but dragging the key into the script works. However the prompt there does not display that text is typing, so it was a bit confusing but worked once i realized it was accepting input.

It seems my key has been corrupted, as it finally gave me a key, but its all wingdings.

HardCorePawn commented 3 years ago

Just out of curiousity... if you open the .key file in a text editor... does it begin with the text "U2F" or something else? The "not a .key file" error occurs if the file does not appear to be a base64 encoded file starting with a specific byte sequence.

Was this file generated on a computer set with English as the OS language? or was it using something else? It's possible the file encoding might be causing issues.

Also, did your password contain "non-english" alphabet characters? ie. accented characters from European languages? ???

rwdean commented 3 years ago

Yes, it does begin with U2F, it was generated on an English US computer, and all password characters are standard, non-accented letters and/or numbers.

HardCorePawn commented 3 years ago

And what happens if you create a new empty wallet in MultiBit Classic... and export the .key file... does it give "wingdings" or does it decrypt successfully?

If a new .key file is OK... but the old one is spitting out garbage... then it's possible the original .key file is corrupt :(

rwdean commented 3 years ago

Yeah that's what's happening. New ones are readable keys. it's gotta be corrupt.