Add a sentence to define terminology -> application protocol detection and service fingerprinting.
Change ‘Step 3: (Optional) Additional options’ to reflect actual options -> e.g.: ‘Enter connection or response timeout settings (optional).
The proposed end users of the DDT project include businesses, individuals and other students, as a method of education, testing and insight into cybersecurity, system vulnerability and ethical hacking. The language used in the documentation needs to be readable to the general public, and accessible to persons not in the field of cybersecurity or information technology.
Name of Feature
Update Amap tool description
Description of Feature
Add a sentence to define terminology -> application protocol detection and service fingerprinting.
Change ‘Step 3: (Optional) Additional options’ to reflect actual options -> e.g.: ‘Enter connection or response timeout settings (optional).
The proposed end users of the DDT project include businesses, individuals and other students, as a method of education, testing and insight into cybersecurity, system vulnerability and ethical hacking. The language used in the documentation needs to be readable to the general public, and accessible to persons not in the field of cybersecurity or information technology.