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Elite Specialization Functional Changes Show Both Versions #57

Closed mightyteapot closed 8 months ago

mightyteapot commented 9 months ago

Certain traits function differently based on which elite specialization is currently equipped. Currently, this split is not recognized and in the modified version gets tacked on to the tooltip instead of replacing the old fact.


Harbinger Dhuumfire (duration) https://beta.hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/necromancer/condition-harbinger/ image

Scourge Dhuumfire (duration and ICD) https://beta.hardstuck.gg/?post_type=gw2_builds&p=423 image

Willbender + Battle Presence (virtues) (fully changes functionality of the trait) https://beta.hardstuck.gg/gw2/builds/guardian/power-willbender/?preview=true image

mightyteapot commented 9 months ago

Looks like something different is happening with flowing resolve in retrospect, I don't think the duplication is related to battle presence at all, and the alacrity facts are correct.