Hardt-Coded / Terminal.Gui.Elmish

An elmish wrapper around Miguel de Icaza's 'Gui.cs' https://github.com/migueldeicaza/gui.cs including a fable like view DSL.
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Translate code from C# to F# #28

Closed BDisp closed 2 months ago

BDisp commented 2 months ago

Please, anyone can translate this C# to F# please? Thanks.

// A simple Terminal.Gui example in F#

using System;
using Terminal.Gui;

Application.Run<ExampleWindow> ().Dispose ();

// Before the application exits, reset Terminal.Gui for clean shutdown
Application.Shutdown ();

// To see this output on the screen it must be done after shutdown,
// which restores the previous screen.
Console.WriteLine ($@"Username: {ExampleWindow.UserName}");

// Defines a top-level window with border and title
public class ExampleWindow : Window
    public static string UserName;

    public ExampleWindow ()
        Title = $"Example App ({Application.QuitKey} to quit)";

        // Create input components and labels
        var usernameLabel = new Label { Text = "Username:" };

        var userNameText = new TextField
            // Position text field adjacent to the label
            X = Pos.Right (usernameLabel) + 1,

            // Fill remaining horizontal space
            Width = Dim.Fill ()

        var passwordLabel = new Label
            Text = "Password:", X = Pos.Left (usernameLabel), Y = Pos.Bottom (usernameLabel) + 1

        var passwordText = new TextField
            Secret = true,

            // align with the text box above
            X = Pos.Left (userNameText),
            Y = Pos.Top (passwordLabel),
            Width = Dim.Fill ()

        // Create login button
        var btnLogin = new Button
            Text = "Login",
            Y = Pos.Bottom (passwordLabel) + 1,

            // center the login button horizontally
            X = Pos.Center (),
            IsDefault = true

        // When login button is clicked display a message popup
        btnLogin.Accept += (s, e) =>
                               if (userNameText.Text == "admin" && passwordText.Text == "password")
                                   MessageBox.Query ("Logging In", "Login Successful", "Ok");
                                   UserName = userNameText.Text;
                                   Application.RequestStop ();
                                   MessageBox.ErrorQuery ("Logging In", "Incorrect username or password", "Ok");

        // Add the views to the Window
        Add (usernameLabel, userNameText, passwordLabel, passwordText, btnLogin);
BDisp commented 2 months ago

I figured it out.