HariSekhon / Nagios-Plugins

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check_cassandra_tpstats.pl not working on DSE 6.8.25 (compatible with Cassandra 3.11) #392

Open dpriscornic opened 1 year ago

dpriscornic commented 1 year ago

The command was run on centos7 centreon poller using nodetool from package dse-libcassandra-6.8.25-1 agains a cluster node running running dse-6.8.25-1

/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/harisekhon/nagios-plugins/check_cassandra_tpstats.pl -H host_ipaddress -u cassandra -p password -w 5 -c 200 -t 60 -vvv
verbose mode on

check_cassandra_tpstats.pl version 0.7.2  =>  Hari Sekhon Utils version 1.19.6

nodetool:                 nodetool
host:                     host_ipaddress
port:                     7199
user:                     cassandra
password:                 <omitted>
warning  upper:           5
critical upper:           200

setting timeout to 60 secs

fetching threadpool stats
cmd: /bin/nodetool --host 'host_ipaddress' --port '7199' --username 'cassandra' --password 'password' tpstats

Pools                                           Active        Pending   Backpressure   Delayed      Shared      Stolen      Completed   Blocked  All time blocked
AntiEntropyStage                                     0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A         307779         0                 0
BackgroundIoStage                                    0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A           7576         0                 0
CompactionExecutor                                   0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A         848011         0                 0
GossipStage                                          0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A         344307         0                 0
HintsDispatcher                                      0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A              2         0                 0
InternalResponseStage                                0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A        3929741         0                 0
MemtableFlushWriter                                  0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A           1552         0                 0
MemtablePostFlush                                    0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A          79445         0                 0
MemtableReclaimMemory                                0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A           1627         0                 0
MigrationStage                                       0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A             58         0                 0
MiscStage                                            0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A        3526064         0                 0
PendingRangeCalculator                               0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A              4         0                 0
PerDiskMemtableFlushWriter_0                         0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A            366         0                 0
Repair#146                                           2             78            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A            274         0                 0
Repair-Task                                          0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A            146         0                 0
RequestResponseStage                                 0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A         690706         0                 0
TPC/all/BATCH_REMOVE                                 0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0             12       N/A                 0
TPC/all/BATCH_REPLAY                                 0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0              5       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/BATCH_STORE                                  0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0             12       N/A                 0
TPC/all/BATCH_STORE_RESPONSE                         0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0             16       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/EXECUTE_STATEMENT                            0            N/A            N/A       N/A        3042        3042         162272       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/HINT_DISPATCH                                0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0            569       N/A                 0
TPC/all/HINT_RESPONSE                                0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0           7931       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/INCREMENTAL_NODESYNC_MAINTENANCE             0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0        3583789       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/LWT_COMMIT                                   0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0         256313       N/A                 0
TPC/all/LWT_PREPARE                                  0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0         256400       N/A                 0
TPC/all/LWT_PROPOSE                                  0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0         256377       N/A                 0
TPC/all/LWT_PROPOSE_AWAIT_LOCK                       0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0             27       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/NODESYNC_VALIDATION                          0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0         121780       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/OUTBOUND_FLUSH                               0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0       10567652       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/PARALLEL_MESSAGE_DECODE                      0            N/A            N/A       N/A     4368319     4368319        9767399       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_DISK_ASYNC                              0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0           1715       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_INTERNAL                                0            N/A            N/A       N/A       59063       59063        1951939       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_LOCAL                                   0              0            N/A       N/A        4967        4967           7364       N/A                 0
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_INTERNAL                          0            N/A            N/A       N/A       47740       47740         110603       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_LOCAL                             0              0            N/A       N/A           2           2              2       N/A                 0
TPC/all/READ_RANGE_RESPONSE                          0            N/A            N/A       N/A          13          13             38       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_REMOTE                                  0              0            N/A       N/A          96          96            259       N/A                 0
TPC/all/READ_RESPONSE                                0            N/A            N/A       N/A      609997      609997        1914671       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/READ_SPECULATE                               0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0            473       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/SAVE_LOCAL_NODE                              0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0         266822       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/SAVE_PEER_NODES                              0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0             10       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/TIMED_TIMEOUT                                2            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0        3080281       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/TIMED_UNKNOWN                                0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0             34       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/UNKNOWN                                      0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0           7576       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_AWAIT_COMMITLOG_SEGMENT                0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0            141       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_INTERNAL                               0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0        3767578       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_LOCAL                                  0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0            397       N/A                 0
TPC/all/WRITE_REMOTE                                 0              0            N/A       N/A           0           0            919       N/A                 0
TPC/all/WRITE_RESPONSE                               0            N/A            N/A       N/A      429419      429419        4087756       N/A               N/A
TPC/all/WRITE_SWITCH_FOR_MEMTABLE                    0            N/A            N/A       N/A           0           0        2134963       N/A               N/A
ValidationExecutor                                   0              0            N/A       N/A         N/A         N/A          76871         0                 0

Meters                                   One Minute Rate    Five Minute Rate     Fifteen Minute Rate      Mean Rate          Count    Connections
TPC/all/CLIENT_REQUEST                              4.40                4.74                    4.80           4.92         378648            145
TPC/all/INTERNODE_MESSAGE                         249.61              224.87                  199.00         154.95       11932829              6

Messages                Dropped                  Latency waiting in queue (micros)                                    
                                              50%               95%               99%               Max
MULTI_RANGE_READ              0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
NODESYNC                      0              0.00            109.65            524.29           2097.15
BATCH_STORE                   0              0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
READ_REPAIR                   0              0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
READ                          0              0.00             97.42            114.69           1310.72
OTHER                         0              0.00             97.00            124.69            655.36
RANGE_SLICE                   0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
REPAIR                        0              0.00             97.74            163.84           4194.30
COUNTER_MUTATION              0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
MUTATION                      0             75.06            116.58           1769.47          41943.04
LWT                           0              0.00            322.64           1223.34         117440.51
HINT                          0              0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
TRUNCATE                      0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
SNAPSHOT                      0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
VIEW_MUTATION                 0               N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A
SCHEMA                        0              0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00

exitcode: 0

UNKNOWN: unrecognized output 'Pools                                           Active        Pending   Backpressure   Delayed      Shared      Stolen      Completed   Blocked  All time blocked', nodetool output format may have changed, aborting, Please try latest version from https://github.com/HariSekhon/Nagios-Plugins, re-run on command line with -vvv and if problem persists paste full output from -vvv mode in to a ticket requesting a fix/update at https://github.com/HariSekhon/Nagios-Plugins/issues/new
HariSekhon commented 1 year ago

The output format has changed and added columns - this will probably require a non-trivial update that requires more testing and the problem is I don't run Cassandra any more in a cloud world.