Open yuripourre opened 6 years ago
protected static int[] correction2(int[] pixels, int width, int height) {
int[] pixelsCopy = pixels.clone();
// parameters for correction
double paramA = -0.007715; // affects only the outermost pixels of the image
double paramB = 0.026731; // most cases only require b optimization
double paramC = 0.0; // most uniform correction
double paramD = 1.0 - paramA - paramB - paramC; // describes the linear scaling of the image
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int d = Math.min(width, height) / 2; // radius of the circle
// center of dst image
double centerX = (width - 1) / 2.0;
double centerY = (height - 1) / 2.0;
// cartesian coordinates of the destination point (relative to the centre of the image)
double deltaX = (x - centerX) / d;
double deltaY = (y - centerY) / d;
// distance or radius of dst image
double dstR = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
// distance or radius of src image (with formula)
double srcR = (paramA * dstR * dstR * dstR + paramB * dstR * dstR + paramC * dstR + paramD) * dstR;
// comparing old and new distance to get factor
double factor = Math.abs(dstR / srcR);
// coordinates in source image
double srcXd = centerX + (deltaX * factor * d);
double srcYd = centerY + (deltaY * factor * d);
// no interpolation yet (just nearest point)
int srcX = (int) srcXd;
int srcY = (int) srcYd;
if (srcX >= 0 && srcY >= 0 && srcX < width && srcY < height) {
int dstPos = y * width + x;
pixels[dstPos] = pixelsCopy[srcY * width + srcX];
return pixels;
A simple approach to handle radial distortion would be:
The correction is performed on normalized image coordinates 𝑥, 𝑦.
• Let 𝑥', 𝑦' denote the corrected normalized image coordinates, then a simple radial distortion model can look like this: 𝑥' = 𝑥(1 + 𝜅1(𝑥^2 + 𝑦^2) + 𝜅2(𝑥^2 + 𝑦^2)^2) 𝑦' = 𝑦(1 + 𝜅1(𝑥^2 + 𝑦^2) + 𝜅2(𝑥^2 + 𝑦^2)^2)
Radial distortion is K1 and K2
Add lens to ImageSource.
ImageSource should be initialized with perfect lens when getRGB(x,y,source) is called, the lens returns the real(distorted) position based on lens params.
To distort camera images, usually only k1, k2, p1 and p2 are necessary.
Radial and Tangential coefficients.