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[Chatbot] Add integration with Twitch #140

Open yuripourre opened 2 years ago

yuripourre commented 2 years ago


Example: https://github.com/twitch4j/twitch4j-chatbot/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/twitch4j/chatbot/Bot.java

Authentication: https://twitch4j.github.io/credentialmanager Send Message: https://twitch4j.github.io/chat/send-message Receive Message: https://twitch4j.github.io/events/channel-message-event


Client: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/irc/example-bot Parser: https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/irc/example-parser/

Seems that Twitch uses websocket for connections. All the commands are compatible with IRC protocol.

yuripourre commented 10 months ago
#!/usr/bin/env node
const WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;

const client = new WebSocketClient();
const channel = '#<channel>';  // Replace with your channel.
const account = '<account>';   // Replace with the account the bot runs as
const password = 'oauth:<your access token goes here>';

const moveMessage = 'Get up and move, your body will thank you!';
const defaultMoveInterval = 1000 * 60 * 1; // Set to 1 minute for testing.
let moveInterval = defaultMoveInterval;

client.on('connectFailed', function(error) {
    console.log('Connect Error: ' + error.toString());

client.on('connect', function(connection) {
    console.log('WebSocket Client Connected');

    // This is a simple bot that doesn't need the additional
    // Twitch IRC capabilities.

    // connection.sendUTF('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands twitch.tv/membership twitch.tv/tags');

    // Authenticate with the Twitch IRC server and then join the channel.
    // If the authentication fails, the server drops the connection.

    connection.sendUTF(`PASS ${password}`); 
    connection.sendUTF(`NICK ${account}`);

    // Set a timer to post future 'move' messages. This timer can be
    // reset if the user passes, !move [minutes], in chat.
    let intervalObj = setInterval(() => {
        connection.sendUTF(`PRIVMSG ${channel} :${moveMessage}`);
    }, moveInterval);

    connection.on('error', function(error) {
        console.log("Connection Error: " + error.toString());

    connection.on('close', function() {
        console.log('Connection Closed');
        console.log(`close description: ${connection.closeDescription}`);
        console.log(`close reason code: ${connection.closeReasonCode}`);


    // Process the Twitch IRC message.

    connection.on('message', function(ircMessage) {
        if (ircMessage.type === 'utf8') {
            let rawIrcMessage = ircMessage.utf8Data.trimEnd();
            console.log(`Message received (${new Date().toISOString()}): '${rawIrcMessage}'\n`);

            let messages = rawIrcMessage.split('\r\n');  // The IRC message may contain one or more messages.
            messages.forEach(message => {
                let parsedMessage = parseMessage(message);

                if (parsedMessage) {
                    // console.log(`Message command: ${parsedMessage.command.command}`);
                    // console.log(`\n${JSON.stringify(parsedMessage, null, 3)}`)

                    switch (parsedMessage.command.command) {
                        case 'PRIVMSG':
                            // Ignore all messages except the '!move' bot
                            // command. A user can post a !move command to change the 
                            // interval for when the bot posts its move message.

                            if ('move' === parsedMessage.command.botCommand) {

                                // Assumes the command's parameter is well formed (e.g., !move 15).

                                let updateInterval = (parsedMessage.command.botCommandParams) ?
                                    parseInt(parsedMessage.command.botCommandParams) * 1000 * 60 : defaultMoveInterval;

                                if (moveInterval != updateInterval) {
                                    // Valid range: 1 minute to 60 minutes
                                    if (updateInterval >= 60000 && updateInterval <= 3600000) {  
                                        moveInterval = updateInterval;

                                        // Reset the timer.
                                        intervalObj = null;
                                        intervalObj = setInterval(() => {
                                            connection.sendUTF(`PRIVMSG ${channel} :${moveMessage}`);
                                        }, moveInterval);
                            else if ('moveoff' === parsedMessage.command.botCommand) {
                                connection.sendUTF(`PART ${channel}`);

                        case 'PING':
                            connection.sendUTF('PONG ' + parsedMessage.parameters);
                        case '001':
                            // Successfully logged in, so join the channel.
                            connection.sendUTF(`JOIN ${channel}`); 
                        case 'JOIN':
                            // Send the initial move message. All other move messages are
                            // sent by the timer.
                            connection.sendUTF(`PRIVMSG ${channel} :${moveMessage}`);
                        case 'PART':
                            console.log('The channel must have banned (/ban) the bot.');
                        case 'NOTICE': 
                            // If the authentication failed, leave the channel.
                            // The server will close the connection.
                            if ('Login authentication failed' === parsedMessage.parameters) {
                                console.log(`Authentication failed; left ${channel}`);
                                connection.sendUTF(`PART ${channel}`);
                            else if ('You don’t have permission to perform that action' === parsedMessage.parameters) {
                                console.log(`No permission. Check if the access token is still valid. Left ${channel}`);
                                connection.sendUTF(`PART ${channel}`);
                            ; // Ignore all other IRC messages.



// Parses an IRC message and returns a JSON object with the message's 
// component parts (tags, source (nick and host), command, parameters). 
// Expects the caller to pass a single message. (Remember, the Twitch 
// IRC server may send one or more IRC messages in a single message.)

function parseMessage(message) {
    // Replace with the code from the Example Message Parser topic.