HarmfulBreeze / overlay

Customizable UI for League of Legends champion select spectating.
MIT License
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Is there a way to change the size of the hole in the middle that frames the client? #16

Closed Elwaev closed 5 months ago

Elwaev commented 3 years ago

Basically title. I want to crop the view in a bit so the time remaining numbers aren't visible within the client itself.

HarmfulBreeze commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. You may use "color key" in your streaming software to make the green rectangle at the center of the screen transparent, and put whatever you desire instead. If you choose to put the League Client in place of the rectangle, it's up to you to crop appropriately in your streaming software. There's also a way to disable the champion previews when a player hovers a champion: in config.conf, set championSplashesEnabled to false. You can also have an image instead of the green rectangle: put the image of your choice in web/img/custom/stream_bg.png.

Hope this helps!