HarmlessTrouble / codename-Sisal

A Tweecode/Twine story format combining the features of Sugarcane and Jonah, with added inbuilt control over story settings and behaviors.
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Passage Regions #5

Open HarmlessTrouble opened 11 years ago

HarmlessTrouble commented 11 years ago

Authors can declare custom regions in a manner similar to "StoryTitle", "StorySubtitle" "StoryMenu".

Will continue tradition with marking region names with the title prefix "Story"

e.g. "StoryInterface", "StoryPages", and "StoryCharacter" are passage titles which are rendered by Sisal as custom regions outside the passages region. which are initialized at the start and refreshed at every state change.

HarmlessTrouble commented 11 years ago

Proof of concept https://gist.github.com/HarmlessTrouble/5237191