HarmonIQ / noid

Patient Identity and Record Location Management Protocol
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As a pt hub administrator, I want a web console to manage my environment. #34

Open AmirAbrams opened 8 years ago

AmirAbrams commented 8 years ago

Couchbase Patient Hub Bucket Structure

Admin Node Info

web: noid-dev.harmoniqhealth.com: noidadmin BeKnC37fF9w9nasvprjX

Protocol bucket

Bucket: protocol Description: Used to store protocol level meta data like match weights, default profiles, and other common protocol level documents type: Couchbase port: 11211 password: WFsBcyL95BLCtySdBZz5wb

People bucket

Bucket: people Description: Used on the Patient Hub to store patient member and employees. Stores roles (patient, sysadmin, compliance) type: Couchbase port: 11211 password: MegymxBf6zox6Zh3

Audits Bucket

Bucket: audits Description: Used to store query, match, admin, compliance, access, etc... audits. type: Couchbase port: 11211 password: W4bQK8Yj5QNHEFPN5YhZeqHd

Trust Relationship bucket

Bucket: trusts Description: Used to store support information to validate trust information about healthcare nodes. Stored patient sharing profiles and default profiles. type: Couchbase port: 11211 password: F9w9nasvprjXp5mQ

Hash bucket

Bucket: hashes Description: Used to store hashes used for matching to members. type: Couchbase port: 11211 password: MrczZqY9sFzyPGX4XBmz