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USER STORY: Deploy to Heroku #4

Closed Harmonica-Men closed 6 days ago

Harmonica-Men commented 1 week ago

As a software developer, I want to deploy our application to Heroku, so that it is accessible to users and can be tested in a live environment.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Heroku Account Setup:

    • A Heroku account is created if one does not already exist.
    • The Heroku CLI is installed and configured on the development machine.
  2. Application Configuration:

    • The application is configured to use environment variables for sensitive data.
    • The Procfile is created to define the process types.
  3. Database Configuration:

    • The application is configured to use Heroku's database service (e.g., PostgreSQL).
    • Database migrations are run on Heroku to set up the schema.
  4. Deployment:

    • The application is deployed to Heroku using Git.
    • The deployment is verified to ensure the application is running correctly.
  5. Environment Variables:

    • Necessary environment variables are set in the Heroku dashboard.
    • Environment variables are documented for future reference.
  6. Monitoring and Logging:

    • Heroku's monitoring and logging tools are set up to track application performance and errors.
    • Alerts are configured for critical issues.
  7. Documentation:

    • Deployment steps are documented in the project's README.md or a separate deployment guide.
    • The documentation is reviewed and approved by the team.




Harmonica-Men commented 1 week ago

Fix issues but found a new bug