HarrisKirk / blue-green-dreams

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Configure kubectl to talk to lke cluster #23

Closed HarrisKirk closed 1 year ago

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

DONE=kubectl is communicating with the cluster

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

kubectl config --kubeconfig=config.yaml view where the config.yaml is the contents of the config file from the cloud manager web page. How do I get the config file prorgrammatically?


HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

linode-cli --json lke kubeconfig-view <clusterId> | jq -r '.[].kubeconfig | @base64d' will get the config yaml intended to be the config file for the kubectl command

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

NEXT: Save the file in the container and use it when launching kubectl.