HarrisKirk / blue-green-dreams

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Experiment with kubectl against lke cluster #28

Closed HarrisKirk closed 1 year ago

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

Make sure to document how the kubectl tool can be run from the command line

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

Need to have running container that can be used to issue kubectl commands. But the config file only lives in the container used to CREATE the cluster. So...what to do?

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

Currently the manage.py code creates and then immediately deletes the cluster. We want to have another command that creates the cluster and then allows issuance ot kubectl commands.

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

One option is to change make to just "bash" and then type the command manually

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

The steps to accomplish this ticket are to

  1. Create a new (temporary) make target named 'cli' that just runs bash
  2. Comment-out the 2 lines in manage.py that destroy the cluste
  3. "make cli" to launch a command shell inside the container
  4. "$python manage.py gwa_dev" to create the cluster and leave the command prompt
  5. Now 'kubectl' can be run