HarrisKirk / blue-green-dreams

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Log the IP address after the service is started. #31

Closed HarrisKirk closed 1 year ago

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago

Read more about how to obtain the IP address to use to hit the service. Once it works, then modify the python code to extract it with kubectl

DONE=What I believe to be the IP address is being logged after the service is started.

This url works: curl

HarrisKirk commented 1 year ago
kubectl get svc gwa --output=json
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "kind": "Service",
    "metadata": {
        "annotations": {
            "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration": "{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"kind\":\"Service\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"labels\":{\"app\":\"gwa\"},\"name\":\"gwa\",\"namespace\":\"default\"},\"spec\":{\"ports\":[{\"nodePort\":30050,\"port\":8000,\"protocol\":\"TCP\"}],\"selector\":{\"app\":\"gwa\"},\"type\":\"LoadBalancer\"}}\n"
        "creationTimestamp": "2023-02-24T23:58:09Z",
        "finalizers": [
        "labels": {
            "app": "gwa"
        "name": "gwa",
        "namespace": "default",
        "resourceVersion": "811",
        "uid": "ddac39a0-87ee-4e1c-b674-3a89907754e7"
    "spec": {
        "allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts": true,
        "clusterIP": "",
        "clusterIPs": [
        "externalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster",
        "internalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster",
        "ipFamilies": [
        "ipFamilyPolicy": "SingleStack",
        "ports": [
                "nodePort": 30050,
                "port": 8000,
                "protocol": "TCP",
                "targetPort": 8000
        "selector": {
            "app": "gwa"
        "sessionAffinity": "None",
        "type": "LoadBalancer"
    "status": {
        "loadBalancer": {
            "ingress": [
                    "hostname": "143-42-127-204.ip.linodeusercontent.com",
                    "ip": ""