HarrisonSteel / ChiBio

ChiBio primary operating system.
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ChiBio hardware repo and access to circuit board source files #15

Open KarlGerhardt opened 8 months ago

KarlGerhardt commented 8 months ago

Hello, I am wondering if there are plans to create a public repo for the ChiBio hardware, including the circuit board source files. I think this would be great for the platform, given that the vision is to be open-source.

HarrisonSteel commented 8 months ago

Hello Karl,

The schematics and all files are on the Chi.Bio website for anyone to freely access. However, I've not tried to put it together in some format where others can edit the schematics in a version controlled way like Github. The primary reason for this has been that (as far as I know) almost all users are getting them supplied from Labmaker and so changes to online schematics wouldn't necessarily be reflected in what they purchase. Further, there are major challenges with some component supply chains (e.g. the multi-colour LED), which Labmaker has only been able to come buy buying up as much supply as possible (and hence it's tricky for users to build themselves even if they wanted to).

What specific use-cases do you think there would be for having it publicly editable? If there are good reasons certainly it would be great to add new designs to this github!


KarlGerhardt commented 8 months ago

Hi Harrison,

In my case it's a very practical issue- I can greatly simplify and save $ by creating a single PCB layout, rather than ordering individual PCBs. I can only do that with the project files.

In your response, you also raise a very important use-case. If a part is unavailable, a prospective builder/user is stuck unless they can change the footprint of a component. The supply issue happened many times with the LPA project.

More generally, I think you will be surprised by the use-cases, and modifications the community will come up with and want to try.

Regarding editing, version controlling, and Labmaker. I'm not sure I understand the dilemma. The open-science community gets to modify locally, you (as repo owner) can accept or decline pull requests and control what gets released, and Labmaker can choose what version to produce. These things seem independent to me.

Again, awesome project! I really hope people/companies realize this platform can democratize small scale bioreactor tech!


HarrisonSteel commented 8 months ago

Hi Karl, All understood. If you think having the editable source files would be useful for you we can pursue this. What file format would be most useful for your case? I can have a go at exporting most recent designs into this format and sharing it... Harrison

KarlGerhardt commented 7 months ago

Great! I only have experience with KiCAD, so If you're using different design software the files may be different.

For KiCAD the main files are:

  1. Project file: .pro
  2. Schematic file: .sch
  3. PCB Layout file: .kicad_pcb
  4. Footprint files (optional, for custom footprints): .pretty folder
  5. Symbol library file (optional, for custom symbols): .lib

This should encompass pretty much everything in the project folder.