Harry-Westwood / Y4-Project-InterNeuralStellar

Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling and Machine Learning of Stellar Populations
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Problem with HBM ravel equals 0 error after incorporating Teff2colour conversion #44

Closed HinLeung622 closed 4 years ago

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Here is a link to the python notebook that I used for fundamentals estimation of a M67-like pseudo cluster of 20 stars: https://github.com/Harry-Westwood/Y4-Project-InterNeuralStellar/blob/master/Hin's_files/NNcluster_post.ipynb

And this is my code for the same process for 100 stars from M67:

import numpy as np
from neuralStellar2 import NNmodel,Teff2colour
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as T
import pandas as pd

m1.loadModel('146/000_best_model.h5', summary=False)

t1.loadModel('Teff2colour/test6.h5', summary=False)

M67 = pd.read_csv('NGC_2682_post_samples2.csv')
N = len(M67.index)

[Av, dist_mod] = [0.160758, 9.660732908839677]
Mbol = 4.75

model = pm.Model()
with model:
    Age_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_age',pm.Beta('a',1.1,1.1)*2+2.5)
    Age_sigma = pm.Lognormal('spread_age',T.log(0.15),0.4)
    feh_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_feh',pm.Beta('e',1.1,1.1)*0.4-0.2)
    feh_sigma = pm.Lognormal('spread_feh',T.log(0.05),0.5)
    Y_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_Y',pm.Beta('f',1.1,1.1)*0.04+0.24)
    Y_sigma = pm.Lognormal('spread_Y',T.log(0.01),0.5)
    MLT_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_MLT',pm.Beta('g',1.1,1.1)*0.6+1.7)

    M = pm.Deterministic('mass', pm.Beta('d',1.1,1.1,shape=N)*(1.5-0.8)+0.8)
    Age = pm.Deterministic('age',pm.Normal('age_normal', 0, 1, shape=N)*Age_sigma+Age_mu)
    feh = pm.Deterministic('feh',pm.Normal('feh_normal', 0, 1, shape=N)*feh_sigma+feh_mu)
    Y = pm.Deterministic('Y',pm.Normal('Y_normal', 0, 1, shape=N)*Y_sigma+Y_mu)
    MLT = pm.Deterministic('MLT',T.ones(N)*MLT_mu)

    obs = pm.Deterministic('obs',m1.manualPredict(T.log10([M, Age, 10**feh, Y, MLT])))

    logTeff = pm.Deterministic('logTeff', obs[1,:]+T.log10(5000))
    radius = pm.Deterministic('radius', 10**obs[0,:])
    L = pm.Deterministic('L', radius**2*(10**logTeff/5776.02970722)**4)
    logg = pm.Deterministic('logg', T.log10(100*6.67408e-11*M/radius**2*(1.98e30/6.96e8**2)))
    Av_list = pm.Deterministic('Av', T.ones(N)*Av)

    BCs = pm.Deterministic('BCs', t1.manualPredict(T.as_tensor_variable([logTeff, logg, feh, Av_list])))

    true_mG = pm.Deterministic('true_mG', -2.5*T.log10(L)-BCs[5,:]+Mbol+dist_mod)
    true_Bp_Rp = pm.Deterministic('true_Bp_Rp', BCs[8,:]-BCs[7,:])

    obs_mG = pm.Normal('obs_mG',true_mG,sigma=M67['g_mag_err'], observed=M67['g_mag'])
    obs_Bp_Rp = pm.Normal('obs_Bp_Rp',true_Bp_Rp,sigma=M67['Bp_Rp_err'], observed=M67['Bp_Rp'])

start = {'mean_age':3.5, 'spread_age':0.1, 'mean_feh':0.1, 'spread_feh':0.05, 'mean_Y':0.26, 'spread_Y':0.01, 'mean_MLT':2.0}
with model:
    trace = pm.sample(200,tune=500, init='adapt_diag', start=start, target_accept=0.999, cores=4, chains=4)

pm.save_trace(trace, directory='M67_trace_post', overwrite=True)

The NN pseudo cluster works but not the M67 HBM, it errored with the following error from bluebear:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 110, in run
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 160, in _start_loop
    point, stats = self._compute_point()
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 191, in _compute_point
    point, stats = self._step_method.step(self._point)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/step_methods/arraystep.py", line 247, in step
    apoint, stats = self.astep(array)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/step_methods/hmc/base_hmc.py", line 130, in astep
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/step_methods/hmc/quadpotential.py", line 231, in raise_ok
    raise ValueError('\n'.join(errmsg))
ValueError: Mass matrix contains zeros on the diagonal. 
The derivative of RV `spread_age_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

ValueError: Mass matrix contains zeros on the diagonal. 
The derivative of RV `spread_age_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "HBM_post_M67.py", line 62, in <module>
    trace = pm.sample(200,tune=500, init='adapt_diag', start=start, target_accept=0.999, cores=4, chains=4)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/sampling.py", line 469, in sample
    trace = _mp_sample(**sample_args)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/sampling.py", line 1059, in _mp_sample
    for draw in sampler:
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 394, in __iter__
    draw = ProcessAdapter.recv_draw(self._active)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/parallel_sampling.py", line 297, in recv_draw
    raise error from old_error
RuntimeError: Chain 1 failed.
grd349 commented 4 years ago

Hey @HinLeung622 ,

I had a look through. I can see anything obviously wrong but I do have some questions.

logg = pm.Deterministic('logg', T.log10(1006.67408e-11M/radius*2(1.98e30/6.96e8**2)))

Are you sure this line is correct (I haven't check but my assumption is that complicated code is wrong code :))

Av_list = pm.Deterministic('Av', T.ones(N)*Av)

Did you really want this to be a list of all ones? If yes, there is a much easier way to do this and there is no need for this to be deterministic.

Excellent work though - I suspect you are are only a few bug squishes away from having this work! :)

Given that the simulated data works and the real does not my guess is there is something different in the sim when compared to the real data (for example Av = 1?). Can you make plots of the simulated data and compare to the real data - does anything stand out?

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 The logg = pm.Deterministic('logg', T.log10(100*6.67408e-11*M/radius**2*(1.98e30/6.96e8**2))) line is the equation to calculate log g, which is defined as log10(GM/R^2), where GM/R^2 is measured in cm/s^2, so what I did there, is take the mass of the star in solar masses, divide that by the square of the radius of the star in solar radii, multiply that by the factor (100GM_sun)/(R_sun^2) where M_sun is in kg and R_sun is in meters (the 100 factor is to convert the value from m/s^2 to cm/s^2). I know using raw numbers is not a good practise, but it should work in theory.

I made the Av_list all ones since I am currently assuming all stars to have the same extinction.

Here is a HR comparison between the simulated cluster and the data for M67: image members = simulated data, with the parameters:

[Av, dist_mod] = [0.160758, 9.660732908839677]
Mbol = 4.75
Tmass = np.random.rand(N)*(1.44-0.84)+0.84
Tage = np.random.randn(N)*0.1+3.52
Tfeh = np.random.randn(N)*0.05+0.1
TY = np.random.randn(N)*0.01+0.255
TMLT = np.ones(N)*2.1

basically the same as those for M67

M67 = M67 data directly collected from gaia old = calculated Bp-Rp and apparent G mags from our previous sample of stars, that have literature Teff values.

As you can see, all three groups of data overlap pretty much in the same region. So in theory if the code is able to do the simulated cluster, it should be able to do M67.

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Could you run the same again but instead of

Age_sigma = pm.Lognormal('spread_age',T.log(0.15),0.4)


Age_sigma = 0.05


grd349 commented 4 years ago

Also while we are here and you are doing the dev work, it might make sense to set (do you have diffusion?)

feh_sigma = 0.02 Y_sigma = 0.001

In fact, if you were to max pool the age, feh (diffusion?), and Y_init I think that might be an easier model to debug.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 you are suggesting to set the sigma values into fixed values?

No, this model does not have diffusion, we do not have a diffusion grid yet (I think Tanda's grid is made but not ready), nor a NN trained on it

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 before receiving your suggestions, i made a HBM run on just 20 of the M67 stars with not a lot of tuning and sampling: image Even though it finished, the posteriors look horrible, this might suggest there is something inherently wrong with the M67 data

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Yes - I'm suggesting fixing some of the sigmas to make the sampling easier. Just for now to try and debug what is going wrong in the real data model.

I am also suggesting that taking this one step further would be to remove the spreads in various parameters as we are unlikely to be able to resolve them (maybe, maybe not) but whie you are developing the model it will be easier without the spreads.

We will need a grid with diffusion but Tanda has this already! :). Maybe ask Tanda about the grid :)

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Ok, I am running one for M67 without spreads now, and I also sent an email to Tanda

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 I did two HBM runs, one with the original 100 stars but without spread on age, feh, Y or MLT: image Although there were 0 divergences, I don't think that looks like a particularly promising result.

The other HBM run, is with 20 sampled stars from the 100, with the original spread values, but with 100 times larger observational uncertainties. I did this since I noticed the only major difference between the simulated stars and M67 data, is that my assigned observational errors for the simulation is much higher than recorded in M67 data, here is the result: image Many divergences but fairly normal looking posteriors, what do you think about this?

grd349 commented 4 years ago

We should discuss this on Friday (or earlier). I'll see if I can find some time to look at your model in more detail and see if anything stands out.

Are you giving sensible starting guess to the sampler?

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Sure, Friday is fine by me, or anytime earlier as well.

This is the starting guesses I used on the 100 star model without any sigmas: start = {'mean_age':3.5, 'mean_feh':0.1, 'mean_Y':0.26, ', 'mean_MLT':2.0} I think that should be quite sensible starting points.

grd349 commented 4 years ago

You could think about setting a mass starting values (1.0 for everything?)

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Ok i can try that

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Results with the 1.0 mass starting value: image Not good either

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Can you try it with only one star? Something is wrong somewhere.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 using only one star, with this data: image After 500 tuning steps and 500 sample steps: image I am not sure if this says anything about the code, this star might be too low mass to be able to test it properly, I will rerun it with a different star in the mean time

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Yes - I think a different star would be better.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

image this star gives this: image seems to be doing better than before

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Probably needs to run for a bit longer.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 yeah that is only 500 tuning steps and 500 samples, it is much less than the number I used previously for results in the report. But I think that shows that for one star, it is possible to get sensible results. Maybe expand to 5 stars?

grd349 commented 4 years ago

5 stars or run for longer to make sure? Either ... :)

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

5 stars between gaia_lum = 0.8 to 1.2, 500 tuning steps and 500 samples: image

grd349 commented 4 years ago

More tuning required but looking good!

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 More tuning, increased from 500 steps to 2000 steps: image I am not sure if this is an improvement or not, but I suspect there might be something going on with me restricting all stars to the same age, causing the rather unpleasant age posterior. For the next run, I will reintroduce mu age and spread age, and increase the luminosity range to 0.5-1.5 Lsun.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Maybe I was correct, this is 5 stars with a normal age distribution with a free age_mu but fixed age_sigma=0.05, and it seems to converge better in the same number of tuning steps, despite haveing more varying masses: image Next I will increase to 20 stars and reintroduce distributions for feh and Y, but still fixing their sigmas.

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Sampling in age still looks a bit 'squiffy'. Could you paste the code of the pymc3 model into the issue and I'll see if there is anything obvious we could improve. (could you post the max pooled version, not the partially polled with fixed sigma).

Having said that, things do look a lot better than before!

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

Max pooled code:

model = pm.Model()
with model:

    Age_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_age',pm.Beta('a',1.1,1.1)*2+2.5)
    feh_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_feh',pm.Beta('e',1.1,1.1)*0.4-0.2)
    Y_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_Y',pm.Beta('f',1.1,1.1)*0.04+0.24)
    MLT_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_MLT',pm.Beta('g',1.1,1.1)*0.6+1.7)

    M = pm.Deterministic('mass', pm.Beta('d',1.1,1.1,shape=N)*(1.5-0.8)+0.8)
    Age = pm.Deterministic('age',T.ones(N)*Age_mu)
    feh = pm.Deterministic('feh',T.ones(N)*feh_mu)
    Y = pm.Deterministic('Y',T.ones(N)*Y_mu)
    MLT = pm.Deterministic('MLT',T.ones(N)*MLT_mu)

    obs = pm.Deterministic('obs',m1.manualPredict(T.log10([M, Age, 10**feh, Y, MLT])))

    Teff = pm.Deterministic('Teff', 10**obs[1,:]*5000)
    radius = pm.Deterministic('radius', 10**obs[0,:])
    L = pm.Deterministic('L', radius**2*(Teff/5776.02970722)**4)
    logg = pm.Deterministic('logg', T.log10(100*6.67408e-11*M/radius**2*(1.98e30/6.96e8**2)))
    Av_list = pm.Deterministic('Av', T.ones(N)*Av)

    BCs = pm.Deterministic('BCs', t1.manualPredict(T.as_tensor_variable([T.log10(Teff), logg, feh, Av_list])))

    true_mG = pm.Deterministic('true_mG', -2.5*T.log10(L)-BCs[5,:]+Mbol+dist_mod)
    true_Bp_Rp = pm.Deterministic('true_Bp_Rp', BCs[8,:]-BCs[7,:])

    obs_mG = pm.Normal('obs_mG',true_mG,sigma=M67['g_mag_err'], observed=M67['g_mag'])
    obs_Bp_Rp = pm.Normal('obs_Bp_Rp',true_Bp_Rp,sigma=M67['Bp_Rp_err'], observed=M67['Bp_Rp'])

Also, since the last update, I have reintroduced distributions in age, feh and Y into the model, but with this, the model either takes much more time to sample (at least 4x more time with the same number of stars and tuning steps), or errors with the ravel is equal to zero error. All of my runs attempted have either errored or timed out on bluebear.

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @HinLeung622

I suggest you change ...

Age_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_age',pm.Beta('a',1.1,1.1)*2+2.5)


Age_mu = pm.Normal('mean_age', 4.0, 1.0)

That may help with the sampling. Basically, the beta dist as you have it has a boundary and the sampler will not enjoy that. The other instances of the beta dist are probably better constrained by the data and hence do not have a boundary in the posterior. Try it and see if things get better ... :)

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 image

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago


HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 I got this error from bluebear about the line we just added, I have no idea what that means

Using TensorFlow backend.
2020-07-16 15:57:31.154009: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/process_util.cc:115] Creating new thread pool with default inter op setting: 7. Tune using inter_op_parallelism_threads for best performance.

You can find the C code in this temporary file: /tmp/theano_compilation_error_ggm2qr56
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "HBM_post_M67.py", line 60, in <module>
    Teff_obs = pm.Normal('Teff_obs', Teff, sigma=500, observed=5500)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/distribution.py", line 47, in __new__
    return model.Var(name, dist, data, total_size)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/model.py", line 952, in Var
    total_size=total_size, model=self)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/model.py", line 1488, in __init__
    self.logp_elemwiset = distribution.logp(data)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/continuous.py", line 519, in logp
    sigma > 0)
  File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/dist_math.py", line 50, in bound
    return tt.switch(alltrue(conditions), logp, -np.inf)
  File "/rds/bear-apps/2019b/EL7-haswell/software/Theano/1.0.4-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/op.py", line 670, in __call__
  File "/rds/bear-apps/2019b/EL7-haswell/software/Theano/1.0.4-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/op.py", line 955, in make_thunk
  File "/rds/bear-apps/2019b/EL7-haswell/software/Theano/1.0.4-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/op.py", line 858, in make_c_thunk
  File "/rds/bear-apps/2019b/EL7-haswell/software/Theano/1.0.4-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/cc.py", line 1217, in make_thunk
  File "/rds/bear-apps/2019b/EL7-haswell/software/Theano/1.0.4-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gof/cc.py", line 1157, in __compile__
grd349 commented 4 years ago

Do we need to specify the shape of the distribution for it to work?

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

Using TensorFlow backend. 2020-07-16 16:28:53.439874: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/process_util.cc:115] Creating new thread pool with default inter op setting: 2. Tune using inter_op_parallelism_threads for best performance.

You can find the C code in this temporary file: /tmp/theano_compilation_error_r6cth8yt Traceback (most recent call last): File "HBM_post_M67.py", line 32, in Age_mu = pm.Deterministic('mean_age',pm.Beta('a',1.1,1.1)*2+2.5) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/distribution.py", line 47, in new return model.Var(name, dist, data, total_size) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/model.py", line 929, in Var model=self) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/model.py", line 1656, in init transformed_name, transform.apply(distribution), total_size=total_size) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/model.py", line 922, in Var total_size=total_size, model=self) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/model.py", line 1370, in init self.logp_elemwiset = distribution.logp(self) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/transforms.py", line 165, in logp jacobian_det = self.transform_used.jacobian_det(x) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/distributions/transforms.py", line 120, in jacobian_det grad = tt.reshape(gradient(tt.sum(self.backward(x)), [x]), x.shape) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/theanof.py", line 116, in gradient return tt.concatenate([gradient1(f, v) for v in vars], axis=0) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/theanof.py", line 116, in return tt.concatenate([gradient1(f, v) for v in vars], axis=0) File "/rds/homes/h/hhl622/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pymc3/theanof.py", line 105, in gradient1 return tt.flatten(tt.grad(f, v, disconnected_inputs='warn')) File "/rds/bear-apps/2019b/EL7-haswell/software/Theano/1.0.4-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/theano/gradient.py", line 605, in grad grad_dict, wrt, cost_name)

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Results on giving Teff a Teff_obs, 5 stars, max pool, 2000 tuning steps: image image Seems to be on the right track, I will try partial pool now

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Rhat is too high. Is this with the beta prior on age or normal?

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 it is with beta prior

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 2 reruns of the model but with beta(2,2) on age_mu both ended on ravel equals zero error, I think the Teff_obs did not solve the entirety of the problem

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 I tried the followings:

  1. max pool model with 20 stars, age_mu = beta(1.1,1.1)
  2. max pool model with 20 stars, age_mu = beta(2,2)
  3. max pool model with 20 stars, age_mu = beta(10,10)
  4. max pool model with 20 stars, age_mu = beta(1.1,1.1), Teff_obs = pm.Normal(Teff, 250, 5500) (sigma was 500 before) They all ended in the ravel is zero error and chain breaking.
HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 I tried using a smaller group of stars of M67, that are only dwarfs: image with a max pool model with 20 stars, age_mu = beta(1.1,1.1), Teff_obs = pm.Normal(Teff, 500, 5500), the ravel is zero error still happens for all 3 times I tried it.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 simulated data, with estimated parameters from our report of M67 as the cluster-wide fundamentals, for 50 stars, with the regular partial pool model (except alpha MLT) with 1000 tuning steps and 500 samples, this is the result: image image I would say it ran rather successfully and gave good results.

So the problem really is between the natures of simulated data and real data somehow.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 I think I am missing one thing in using fully analytical methods in the conversion from Teff and luminosity into apparent G mag and Gbp-rp colour, that is a continuous equation/fit of BCbp and/or BCrp as a function of Teff or more.

The paper you suggested, Casagrande 2018, includes a calculated table of BCs of G, Bp and Rp bands of Gaia given increments of a star's Teff, logg, [Fe/H], [alpha/Fe] and E(B-V), and also a fitted equation for the calculation of R_lambda, the extinction coefficient for all three bands, dependent on the star's Teff and Fe/H. The R_lambda fit solves our problem with accounting for reddenning, but an analytical conversion from Teff, feh etc to BCs is still lacking.

We used the polynomial fit that is only dependent on Teff (assuming fixed feh and logg) for BCg in Andrae 2018 (https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2018/08/aa32516-17/aa32516-17.html) previously in our report, but this treatment (of a polynomial fit for BC) was only done on G band, as they used a machine learning approach to calculate their Teffs directly from reddenning-corrected Gbp-Grp colours, hence skipping the BC calculation section.

So any ideas?

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @HinLeung622

Yes - I forgot it was a table. Is it easy to plot the data from the table (i.e., seaborn pairplot)? If yes can we look at that plot first and then make a plan.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 I downloaded the BC tables and looked at the data structure: Under the path BCtables2\al2fe_p00\r00\GaiaDR2\GaiaG.data, it looks like this: image Assuming "al2fe" means [alpha/Fe] and "r00" means E(B-V) = 0.00, there is no clear indication which row of data refers to what Teff, logg or [Fe/H] values.

The Gaia Casagrande 2018 paper referred to one of their earlier papers: Casagrande 2018a (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.05508.pdf)'s appendix A for descriptions of the tables and codes, but as far as I can see, there is more emphasis on their FORTRAN code included alongside the tables to query for BCs of specific passbands, rather than stating how the tables are structured. And FORTRAN is not something I know of.

grd349 commented 4 years ago

OK - thanks. I'm a bit lost now. I looked at the link and appendix A is too long for me to follow right now. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to email Luca Cassagrande? He might know of a python implementation :)

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 Yeah I read through appendix A but didn't find any direct information about the data structure or what are the columns. You sure it is a good idea for me to contact Dr. Cassagrande directly?

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Yes - a very good idea! You could even engage him by asking if you could send him your draft when you are ready :)


Luca is a great person and is very easy to work with. He is also extremely clever and a real expert in all this.

HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 You mean the draft of the paper in the future?

Ok I will email him then

grd349 commented 4 years ago

Yes - draft of the paper in the future :)


Dr Guy R. Davies PI - ERC CartographY Project Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics School of Physics and Astronomy The University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT

Tel +44 (0) 121 414 4597 G.R.Davies@bham.ac.uk grd349@gmail.com davies@bison.ph.bham.ac.u davies@bison.ph.bham.ac.ukk davies@bison.ph.bham.ac.uk

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On Mon, 20 Jul 2020 at 11:45, HinLeung622 notifications@github.com wrote:

@grd349 https://github.com/grd349 You mean the draft of the paper in the future?

Ok I will email him then

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HinLeung622 commented 4 years ago

@grd349 So with the reply from Casagrande, I have looked a little more into his BC table. It seems that the main functionality of the tables involves two files: input.samples to specify the list of stellar inputs (star ID, logg, feh, Teff and E(B-V)) and selectbc.data to specify the [alpha/Fe] variation relation mode with [Fe/H], and the list of bands for the BCs to be calculated for. Then a shell script can be ran to execute all required fortran codes to return an output table of BCs interpolated from their BC tables. I am using a windows device so looking at Casagrande's reply, I won't be able to run the codes locally, it might also be very complicated to do it on bluebear. But in any case, their BC tables provide BCs with some level of interpolation from a large grid of values, which is still some steps away from a continuous conversion equation that we are trying to aim for to be put in the HBM currently.

Side note: I reran the NN version of the HBM yesterday but with a smaller range of gaia-luminosities for the stars. I lowered the range from 0.5-1.5 into 0.8-1.2, and it managed to sample all posteriors without running into the ravel is zero error. The results are no where near good results but at least the error did not happen. I wonder what is so different between the slightly non-solar-like stars with higher and lower luminosities and the more solar-like stars with more similar luminosities that cause the HBM to break.

grd349 commented 4 years ago

OK - running on BlueBEAR should be easy enough in an interactive session (I think you use these already no?). Failing that we could see if someone can help out on this (maybe me). What's the plan? Do you need someone to run the code and then we will build a NN from there?