Harry24k / adversarial-attacks-pytorch

PyTorch implementation of adversarial attacks [torchattacks]
MIT License
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[QUESTION] What is the difference between autoattack.py in this repository and autoattack.py in the auto-attack repository? #164

Open seopp opened 1 year ago

seopp commented 1 year ago

❔ Any questions

Hi, thanks for the great work. I'm trying to use autoattack.py to evaluate the robustness of my model. In my experiments, it seems that using autoattack.py in this repository versus autoattack.py in the auto-attack repository gives different results. I think I'm setting up the experiment incorrectly, as the two results should be the same. So I'm wondering what the difference is between autoattack.py in this repo and autoattack.py in the auto-attack repo. Thanks for providing such a great library.

Harry24k commented 1 year ago

Could you upload the code for me? In the latest version, the robust accuracy against AutoAttack was the same. Note that the randomness can result in a little bit different results.