HarshKapadia2 / git_basics

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Pull Request for Issue #30 #52

Closed shivam7374 closed 4 years ago

shivam7374 commented 4 years ago

Pull Request for Issue #30 - Add meta tags to the web site Meta Tags Added.

HarshKapadia2 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the PR, @shivam7374.

The index.html file is generated by Asciidoctor, as mentioned in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Also, please refer to the first point in issue #30:

  • The meta tags will have to be inserted by adding them in the head of a Docinfo file.

Use better commit messages as well, please. Add is not a commit message that explains the changes in the commit.

HarshKapadia2 commented 4 years ago

This PR is incorrect and has been inactive for quite some time, so I am closing it.