HarshadRanganathan / spring-boot-example

Example project using Spring Boot
MIT License
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Http Clients #37

Open HarshadRanganathan opened 1 year ago

HarshadRanganathan commented 1 year ago


HarshadRanganathan commented 1 year ago

About Setup & Configuration:

» Setup and Examples for the Spring WebFlux WebClient » Spring WebClient OAuth2 support (WebFlux / Servlet) » Spring WebClient exchange vs. retrieve Comparison » Customize Spring WebClient with WebClientCustomizer

About Testing:

» Test Spring WebClient with MockWebServer from OkHttp » Spring WebTestClient for efficient testing of your REST API

PS: Consider this testing recipe if you wonder how to test any other HTTP client usage, for example, the Apache HttpClient.

HarshadRanganathan commented 4 months ago
