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AngularJS #11

Open elovelan opened 11 years ago

elovelan commented 11 years ago

This is the new hotness when it comes to JS MV* frameworks.

Super simple templating, binding, etc.


willklein commented 11 years ago

This woud be hot. I attended a talk on this in New Haven a couple weeks ago. I could see if we could get the same speaker unless someone here wants to head it up.

elovelan commented 11 years ago

That sounds excellent. I admittedly have limited experience with AngularJS (just did some of the tutorials on the web site) so I'd love to hear from someone more experienced than I. Also, it looks like Microsoft is pushing Knockout so it might be worth getting something together on that, especially for those of us in the .NET world; I'll create an issue

otupman commented 11 years ago

We're using AngularJS extensively with a couple of apps in beta. If you guys are interested in AngularJS with a mobile slant then I'd be up for giving a talk as I'll be over in CT (near New London) for most of the month of June.

buzzdecafe commented 11 years ago

+1 for angular + mobile

willklein commented 11 years ago

Thanks, Oliver, we'd love to hear from you. Let me know what dates you'll be here in June. We currently meet the 3rd week of the month but we're flexible.

otupman commented 11 years ago

Awesome. Right now the third week of June (17th-21, right?) is looking pretty clear.

Angular is a pretty big topic, so I'd normally aim for a brief of the major pieces of the puzzle and how they fit together followed by creating a simple app to demonstrate them in practice. Depending on time, might even be able to get deployable to phones as an installable app :smiley:

How does that sound?

willklein commented 11 years ago

Your idea sounds great. Regarding the timing, we are looking at moving our meeting date up to the 1st or 2nd week of June. Reply here if that would be too soon, or email us@hartfordjs.com.