Haruki1707 / ShortCutes

Creates executable ShortCutes for your emulator games
GNU General Public License v3.0
29 stars 3 forks source link

Launching Shortcutes doesn't work, nothing happens. #12

Closed BrochachoTheBro closed 8 months ago

BrochachoTheBro commented 11 months ago

I used to be able to use Shortcutes just fine on Windows 10, but when I updated to 11, it doesn't work anymore. I try launching it, it asks for permission to launch, and nothing happens after. I do meet the prerequisites, .NET 4.8 is installed.

Haruki1707 commented 11 months ago

Someone kind of had the same problem with W11, seemed to be a Antivirus problem, you can either exclude ShortCutes from your Antivirus or compile ShortCutes yourself so your Antivirus doesn't detect has malware.

BrochachoTheBro commented 11 months ago

Tried the exclusion method and that didn't work. I'm sorry if this is a noob question, but how could one go about compiling Shortcutes?