Comment(s): I like the objective. I think its very simple and good for the UX side of the site! One thing I would like to see more of was the justification as to why you want this feature.
Criteria 2: Background Section
Score Level: 4
Comment(s): Good job giving context of the feature!
Criteria 3: Technical Design Section
Score Level: 4
Comment(s): Great job explaining the background! You covered all tings related to making an enter button work.
Criteria 4: Caveats Section
Score Level: 4
Comment(s): An alternative thin you could do is to have it auto search once a user stops typing and save the enter button for saving a playlist!
Rubric Score
Criteria 1: Objective Section
Criteria 2: Background Section
Criteria 3: Technical Design Section
Criteria 4: Caveats Section
Overall Score: 15/16
Well done!