HashLips / generative-art-opensource

Create generative art by using the canvas api and node js, feel free to contribute to this repo with new ideas.
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Help Combining Two Branches #77

Open Smileez1234 opened 2 years ago

Smileez1234 commented 2 years ago

I had my rarities sorted out perfectly in branch one but now Id like to use the advanced Meta Data output from branch 3. The rarities in branch 3 just don't seem to work correctly no matter how I adjust the weights. This is higher than my skill level but I tried to copy the rarity code from branch 1 to 3 but I broke it. This is why I cant have nice things. I know this is alot but Id appreciate any suggestions.

This is my Config file:

const fs = require("fs"); const width = 1000; const height = 1000; const dir = __dirname; const description = "blah blah."; const baseImageUri = "https://hashlips/nft"; const startEditionFrom = 1; const endEditionAt = 10; const editionSize = 10; const raceWeights = [ { value: "Blah", from: 1, to: editionSize, }, ];

// create required weights // for each weight, call 'addRarity' with the id and from which to which element this rarity should be applied let rarityWeights = [ addRarity('zen', 1, 600), addRarity('rare', 600, 3900), addRarity('common', 3900, 10000) ];

// create required layers // for each layer, call 'addLayer' with the id and optionally the positioning and size // the id would be the name of the folder in your input directory, e.g. 'ball' for ./input/ball const layers = [ addLayer('background', { x: 0, y: 0 }, { width: width, height: height }), addLayer('face'), addLayer('eyes'), addLayer('mouth'), addLayer('nose'), addLayer('hat') ];

// provide any specific percentages that are required for a given layer and rarity level // all provided options are used based on their percentage values to decide which layer to select from addRarityPercentForLayer('zen', 'background', { 'zen': 25, 'rare': 37, 'common': 38 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('rare', 'background', { 'zen': 8, 'rare': 42, 'common': 50 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('common', 'background', { 'zen': 2, 'rare': 24, 'common': 74 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('zen', 'face', { 'zen': 25, 'rare': 37, 'common': 38 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('rare', 'face', { 'zen': 8, 'rare': 42, 'common': 50 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('common', 'face', { 'zen': 2, 'rare': 24, 'common': 74 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('zen', 'eyes', { 'zen': 25, 'rare': 37, 'common': 38 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('rare', 'eyes', { 'zen': 8, 'rare': 42, 'common': 50 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('common', 'eyes', { 'zen': 2, 'rare': 24, 'common': 74 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('zen', 'hat', { 'zen': 25, 'rare': 37, 'common': 38 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('rare', 'hat', { 'zen': 8, 'rare': 42, 'common': 50 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('common', 'hat', { 'zen': 2, 'rare': 24, 'common': 74 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('zen', 'mouth', { 'zen': 25, 'rare': 37, 'common': 38 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('rare', 'mouth', { 'zen': 8, 'rare': 42, 'common': 50 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('common', 'mouth', { 'zen': 2, 'rare': 24, 'common': 74 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('zen', 'nose', { 'zen': 25, 'rare': 37, 'common': 38 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('rare', 'nose', { 'zen': 8, 'rare': 42, 'common': 50 }); addRarityPercentForLayer('common', 'nose', { 'zen': 2, 'rare': 24, 'common': 74 });

module.exports = { width, height, description, baseImageUri, editionSize, startEditionFrom, endEditionAt, races, raceWeights, };

Andy my index.js:

const fs = require("fs"); const { createCanvas, loadImage } = require("canvas"); const { width, height, description, baseImageUri, editionSize, startEditionFrom, endEditionAt, races, raceWeights, } = require("./input/config.js"); const console = require("console"); const canvas = createCanvas(width, height); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var metadataList = []; var attributesList = []; var dnaList = [];

const saveImage = (_editionCount) => { fs.writeFileSync( ./output/${_editionCount}.png, canvas.toBuffer("image/png") ); };

const signImage = (_sig) => { ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; ctx.font = "bold 30pt Verdana"; ctx.textBaseline = "top"; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.fillText(_sig, 40, 40); };

const genColor = () => { let hue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); let pastel = hsl(${hue}, 100%, 85%); return pastel; };

const drawBackground = () => { ctx.fillStyle = genColor(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); };

const addMetadata = (_dna, _edition) => { let dateTime = Date.now(); let tempMetadata = { dna: _dna.join(""), name: #${_edition}, description: description, image: ${baseImageUri}/${_edition}.png, edition: _edition, date: dateTime, attributes: attributesList, }; metadataList.push(tempMetadata); attributesList = []; };

const addAttributes = (_element) => { let selectedElement = _element.layer.selectedElement; attributesList.push({ trait_type: _element.layer.name, value: selectedElement.name, }); };

const loadLayerImg = async (_layer) => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const image = await loadImage(${_layer.selectedElement.path}); resolve({ layer: _layer, loadedImage: image }); }); };

const drawElement = (_element) => { ctx.drawImage( _element.loadedImage, _element.layer.position.x, _element.layer.position.y, _element.layer.size.width, _element.layer.size.height ); addAttributes(_element); };

const constructLayerToDna = (_dna = [], _races = [], _race) => { let mappedDnaToLayers = _races[_race].layers.map((layer, index) => { let selectedElement = layer.elements.find((e) => e.id == _dna[index]); return { name: layer.name, position: layer.position, size: layer.size, selectedElement: selectedElement, }; });

return mappedDnaToLayers; };

const getRace = (_editionCount) => { let race = "No Race"; raceWeights.forEach((raceWeight) => { if (_editionCount >= raceWeight.from && _editionCount <= raceWeight.to) { race = raceWeight.value; } }); return race; };

const isDnaUnique = (_DnaList = [], _dna = []) => { let foundDna = _DnaList.find((i) => i.join("") === _dna.join("")); return foundDna == undefined ? true : false; };

const createDna = (_races, _race) => { let randNum = []; _races[_race].layers.forEach((layer) => { let randElementNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); let num = 0; layer.elements.forEach((element) => { if (randElementNum >= 100 - element.weight) { num = element.id; } }); randNum.push(num); }); return randNum; };

const writeMetaData = (_data) => { fs.writeFileSync("./output/_metadata.json", _data); };

const saveMetaDataSingleFile = (_editionCount) => { fs.writeFileSync( ./output/${_editionCount}.json, JSON.stringify(metadataList.find((meta) => meta.edition == _editionCount)) ); };

const startCreating = async () => { writeMetaData(""); let editionCount = startEditionFrom; while (editionCount <= endEditionAt) { let race = getRace(editionCount); let newDna = createDna(races, race);

if (isDnaUnique(dnaList, newDna)) {
  let results = constructLayerToDna(newDna, races, race);
  let loadedElements = []; //promise array
  results.forEach((layer) => {

  await Promise.all(loadedElements).then((elementArray) => {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
    // drawBackground();
    elementArray.forEach((element) => {
    addMetadata(newDna, editionCount);
      `Created edition: ${editionCount}, Race: ${race} with DNA: ${newDna}`
} else {
  console.log("DNA exists!");

} writeMetaData(JSON.stringify(metadataList)); };


Im getting the following error:

ReferenceError: addRarity is not defined at Object. (E:\GLYPH\Hash Lips Code\generative-art-opensource-3 - Copy\input\config.js:20:21) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1072:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1101:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:937:32) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:12) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:961:19) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:92:18) at Object. (E:\GLYPH\Hash Lips Code\generative-art-opensource-3 - Copy\index.js:13:5) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1072:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1101:10)

jayvi commented 2 years ago

everyone have issues with layers and rarity mate lets hope we get help soon