HashLips / generative-art-opensource

Create generative art by using the canvas api and node js, feel free to contribute to this repo with new ideas.
MIT License
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how can i change it, to where i can make a JSON file along with a PNG for each NFT? #98

Open Diddi81Ma opened 2 years ago

Diddi81Ma commented 2 years ago

how can i change it, to where i can make a JSON file along with a PNG for each NFT?

Originally posted by @cryptouzi in https://github.com/HashLips/generative-art-opensource/issues/63

bladeninja888 commented 2 years ago

I followed this step by step but only have the following in each json file and no traits:

{ "dna": "050000", "name": "#97", "description": "This is an NFT made by the coolest generative code.", "image": "https://hashlips/nft/97.png", "edition": 97, "date": 1631220441296 }

Which part did I missed thanks @Diddi81Ma!

My code:

var path = require('path') const fs = require("fs"); const { createCanvas, loadImage } = require("canvas"); const { layers, width, height, description, baseImageUri, editionSize, startEditionFrom, rarityWeights, } = require("./input/config.js"); const console = require("console"); const canvas = createCanvas(width, height); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var _attributesList = []; var dnaList = [];

// saves the generated image to the output folder, using the edition count as the name const saveImage = (_editionCount) => { fs.writeFileSync( ./output/${_editionCount}.png, canvas.toBuffer("image/png") ); };

// generate a random color hue const genColor = () => { let hue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); let pastel = hsl(${hue}, 100%, 85%); return pastel; };

const drawBackground = () => { ctx.fillStyle = genColor(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); };

// add metadata for individual nft edition

const addMetadata = (_dna, _edition, _attributesList) => { let dateTime = Date.now(); let tempMetadata = { dna: _dna.join(""), name: #${_edition}, description: description, image: ${baseImageUri}/${_edition}.png, edition: _edition, date: dateTime, attributes: _attributesList, }; metadataList.push(tempMetadata); _attributesList = []; };

// prepare attributes for the given element to be used as metadata const getAttributeForElement = (_element) => { let selectedElement = _element.layer.selectedElement; var parentDir = path.dirname(_element.layer.selectedElement.path); var baseDir = require('path').resolve(parentDir, '..'); var traitName = path.basename(baseDir); let attribute = {

rarity: selectedElement.rarity, }; return attribute; };

// loads an image from the layer path // returns the image in a format usable by canvas const loadLayerImg = async (_layer) => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const image = await loadImage(${_layer.selectedElement.path}); resolve({ layer: _layer, loadedImage: image }); }); };

const drawElement = (_element) => { ctx.drawImage( _element.loadedImage, _element.layer.position.x, _element.layer.position.y, _element.layer.size.width, _element.layer.size.height ); };

// check the configured layer to find information required for rendering the layer // this maps the layer information to the generated dna and prepares it for // drawing on a canvas const constructLayerToDna = (_dna = [], _layers = [], _rarity) => { let mappedDnaToLayers = _layers.map((layer, index) => { let selectedElement = layer.elements.find(element => element.id === _dna[index]); return { location: layer.location, position: layer.position, size: layer.size, selectedElement: selectedElement, }; }); return mappedDnaToLayers; };

// check if the given dna is contained within the given dnaList // return true if it is, indicating that this dna is already in use and should be recalculated const isDnaUnique = (_DnaList = [], _dna = []) => { let foundDna = _DnaList.find((i) => i.join("") === _dna.join("")); return foundDna == undefined ? true : false; };

const getRandomRarity = (_rarityOptions) => { let randomPercent = Math.random() * 100; let percentCount = 0;

for (let i = 0; i <= _rarityOptions.length; i++) { percentCount += _rarityOptions[i].percent; if (percentCount >= randomPercent) { console.log(use random rarity ${_rarityOptions[i].id}) return _rarityOptions[i].id; } } return _rarityOptions[0].id; }

// create a dna based on the available layers for the given rarity // use a random part for each layer const createDna = (_layers, _rarity) => { let randNum = []; let _rarityWeight = rarityWeights.find(rw => rw.value === _rarity); _layers.forEach((layer) => { let num = Math.floor(Math.random() layer.elementIdsForRarity[_rarity].length); if (_rarityWeight && _rarityWeight.layerPercent[layer.id]) { // if there is a layerPercent defined, we want to identify which dna to actually use here (instead of only picking from the same rarity) let _rarityForLayer = getRandomRarity(_rarityWeight.layerPercent[layer.id]); num = Math.floor(Math.random() layer.elementIdsForRarity[_rarityForLayer].length); randNum.push(layer.elementIdsForRarity[_rarityForLayer][num]); } else { randNum.push(layer.elementIdsForRarity[_rarity][num]); } }); return randNum; };

// holds which rarity should be used for which image in edition let rarityForEdition; // get the rarity for the image by edition number that should be generated const getRarity = (_editionCount) => { if (!rarityForEdition) { // prepare array to iterate over rarityForEdition = []; rarityWeights.forEach((rarityWeight) => { for (let i = rarityWeight.from; i <= rarityWeight.to; i++) { rarityForEdition.push(rarityWeight.value); } }); } return rarityForEdition[editionSize - _editionCount]; };

const writeMetaData = (_data) => { fs.writeFileSync("./output/_metadata.json", _data); };

const saveMetaDataSingleFile = (_editionCount) => { fs.writeFileSync( ./output/${_editionCount}.json, JSON.stringify(metadataList.find((meta) => meta.edition == _editionCount)) ); };

// holds which dna has already been used during generation let dnaListByRarity = {}; // holds metadata for all NFTs let metadataList = []; // Create generative art by using the canvas api const startCreating = async () => { console.log('##################'); console.log('# Generative Art'); console.log('# - Create your NFT collection'); console.log('##################');

console.log(); console.log('start creating NFTs.')

// clear meta data from previous run writeMetaData("");

// prepare dnaList object rarityWeights.forEach((rarityWeight) => { dnaListByRarity[rarityWeight.value] = []; });

// create NFTs from startEditionFrom to editionSize let editionCount = startEditionFrom; while (editionCount <= editionSize) { console.log('-----------------') console.log('creating NFT %d of %d', editionCount, editionSize);

// get rarity from to config to create NFT as
let rarity = getRarity(editionCount);
console.log('- rarity: ' + rarity);

// calculate the NFT dna by getting a random part for each layer/feature 
// based on the ones available for the given rarity to use during generation
let newDna = createDna(layers, rarity);
while (!isDnaUnique(dnaListByRarity[rarity], newDna)) {
  // recalculate dna as this has been used before.
  console.log('found duplicate DNA ' + newDna.join('-') + ', recalculate...');
  newDna = createDna(layers, rarity);
console.log('- dna: ' + newDna.join('-'));

// propagate information about required layer contained within config into a mapping object
// = prepare for drawing
let results = constructLayerToDna(newDna, layers, rarity);
let loadedElements = [];

// load all images to be used by canvas
results.forEach((layer) => {

// elements are loaded asynchronously
// -> await for all to be available before drawing the image

await Promise.all(loadedElements).then((elementArray) => {
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
  // drawBackground();
  elementArray.forEach((element) => {
  addMetadata(newDna, editionCount);

} writeMetaData(JSON.stringify(metadataList)); };

// Initiate code startCreating();

gcod commented 2 years ago

This works with current main index.zip