HashLips / hashlips_art_engine

HashLips Art Engine is a tool used to create multiple different instances of artworks based on provided layers.
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I can't generate meta Data #1544

Open Abubakr22 opened 1 year ago

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

PS C:\Users\sarda\Documents\OpenSea\Code\create-10k-nft-collection-2.0.0> npm run upload_metadata

10k-collection-video@2.0.0 upload_metadata node utils/nftport/uploadMetas

Starting upload of metadata... CATCH ERROR: ERROR STATUS: 422 Retrying CATCH ERROR: ERROR STATUS: 422

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 you've opened this issue in the wrong place. You're using codeSTACKr's repo, open an issue there instead.

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

they don't even replay man

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 I can have a go at fixing this.

In the nftport docs it says that 422 can be any of a large number of different erros, so it on it's own isn't very helpful.

Can you change line ~44 of utils/functions/fetchWithRetry.js: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/utils/functions/fetchWithRetry.js#L43-L45


          } else {
            throw `ERROR STATUS: ${status}, ${res.json()}`;

So it should print the actual error as well.

Could you then paste the output of running npm run upload_metadata here please.

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the replay I really appreciate it ! PS C:\Users\sarda\Documents\OpenSea\Code\NFT Generator> npm run upload_metadata

10k-collection-video@2.0.1 upload_metadata node utils/nftport/uploadMetas

Starting upload of metadata... CATCH ERROR: ERROR STATUS: 422, [object Promise]

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 what if you change line 41: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/utils/functions/fetchWithRetry.js#L40-L42


          if (true) {
            return res.json();

Then insert:


Between lines 47-48: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/utils/functions/fetchWithRetry.js#L47-L48

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

PS C:\Users\sarda\Documents\OpenSea\Code\NFT Generator> npm run upload_metadata

10k-collection-video@2.0.1 upload_metadata node utils/nftport/uploadMetas

Starting upload of metadata... { response: 'NOK', error: { status_code: 422, code: 'value_error_any_str_min_length', message: { loc: [Array], msg: 'ensure this value has at least 1 characters', type: 'value_error.any_str.min_length', ctx: [Object] } } } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 it looks like your build/json/* metadata files are either missing some string field, or it's empty. Could you paste the file build/json/1.json? You may have to try regenerating, with the fork that you're on at the moment.

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

Sure thx for help : { "name": "Wild Shells #1", "description": "Wild Shells is a truly unique NFT collection created by 14-year-old, Abubakr. This collection features a stunning array of shells, each with its own personality ands traits, making it an absolute must-have for any discerning NFT collector.", "file_url": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreiefgs5ly74gw7bvz7zkup6gfvqoyxgkv62s3t2uji6o5pfkfuhnwm", "image": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreiefgs5ly74gw7bvz7zkup6gfvqoyxgkv62s3t2uji6o5pfkfuhnwm", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Background", "value": "Blue" }, { "trait_type": "Skins", "value": "Red SKIN" }, { "trait_type": "Shells", "value": "Style3" }, { "trait_type": "Outline", "value": "Outline" }, { "trait_type": "ShellWear", "value": "Blank" }, { "trait_type": "Eyes", "value": "Evil Blue Eye" }, { "trait_type": "Glasses", "value": "Black Cool Glasses" }, { "trait_type": "Hats", "value": "Blank" }, { "trait_type": "MouthWear", "value": "Blank" } ], "custom_fields": { "dna": "d0687a893978b6a5f768a1cfa31b470d7be0c97b", "edition": 1, "date": 1683057003301, "compiler": "HashLips Art Engine - codeSTACKr Modified" }, "external_url": "" }

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 it looks like it could be external_url. You could try modifying utils/update_info.js to either set it or remove it, depending on whether you have a website that you want linking.

On line 26: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/utils/update_info.js#L25-L27

You could add (if you have a website):

    item.external_url = "insert://website.name/here";

Or if you don't have a website you want linking:

    delete item.external_url;

Then you can run either npm run update_info or node utils/update_info.js to run (it doesn't matter what you answer to the questions it asks you).

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

I am minting the metadata but this error is showing up.

} PS C:\Users\sarda\Documents\OpenSea\Code\NFT Generator> npm run mint --start=1 --end=4000

10k-collection-video@2.0.1 mint node utils/nftport/mint %npm_config_start% %npm_config_end%

OK to mint 1-4000? (y/n): y { response: 'NOK', error: { status_code: 422, code: 'invalid_address', message: 'Invalid address: contract_address.' } } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

I am loving your help.

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 from the nftport docs:

You provided an invalid address. Check that the wallet and contract addresses you're sending are valid EVM addresses.

It says contract_address is wrong, but it looks like that's something to do with minting. I have no clue how any of this works, so you should probably try to find someone who knows more about crypto/NFTs (you could try asking on the hashlips discord)

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

Another error : plz check if you can solve this error 429 CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying { error: { status_code: 429, code: 'too_many_requests', message: 'Too many requests hit the API too quickly (per one second). We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. See rate limit details at https://docs.nftport.xyz/docs/nftport/ZG9jOjQ1ODQ4NzQ4-quotas. If you need higher limits, see https://www.nftport.xyz/pricing'
} } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object]

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 you could try increasing LIMIT in src/config.js: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/src/config.js#L45-L47

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago


Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

Error: PS C:\Users\sarda\Documents\OpenSea\Code\NFT Generator> npm run mint

10k-collection-video@2.0.1 mint node utils/nftport/mint %npm_config_start% %npm_config_end%

OK to mint ALL? (y/n): y { response: 'NOK', error: { status_code: 422, code: 'invalid_address', message: 'Invalid address: contract_address.' } } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying { error: { status_code: 429, code: 'too_many_requests', message: 'Too many requests hit the API too quickly (per one second). We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. See rate limit details at https://docs.nftport.xyz/docs/nftport/ZG9jOjQ1ODQ4NzQ4-quotas. If you need higher limits, see https://www.nftport.xyz/pricing' } }

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 the first error is because you haven't set CONTRACT_ADDRESS on line 58. For the second error, it looks like utils/nftport/mint.js sets it's own rate limit, you could try increasing it on line 22: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/utils/nftport/mint.js#L21-L23

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

How can I update CONTRACT_ADDRESS as I have add it

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 you change YOUR CONTRACT ADDRESS: https://github.com/codeSTACKr/create-10k-nft-collection/blob/ce244474da4839671f49eb7d6f3f199f518f243c/src/config.js#L53-L55

To your contract address.

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

Hi bro thx you so much I am able to do it. I have uploaded it to test chine would you mind telling me the way to upload it to the Main Chain?

Abubakr22 commented 1 year ago

I want to upload it in Ethereum if not then Polygon

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Abubakr22 I have no clue, you could try asking someone who knows more (maybe on the hashlips discord server)