HashLips / hashlips_art_engine

HashLips Art Engine is a tool used to create multiple different instances of artworks based on provided layers.
MIT License
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Can't mint plz help!!!! #1551

Open Wildshells opened 1 year ago

Wildshells commented 1 year ago

this is my error I tried in discord as you they didn't response

PS C:\Users\sarda\Documents\OpenSea\Code\NFT Generator> npm run mint

10k-collection-video@2.0.1 mint node utils/nftport/mint %npm_config_start% %npm_config_end%

OK to mint ALL? (y/n): y { response: 'NOK', error: { status_code: 422, code: 'invalid_address', message: 'Invalid address: contract_address.' } } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying { error: { status_code: 429, code: 'too_many_requests', message: 'Too many requests hit the API too quickly (per one second). We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. See rate limit details at https://docs.nftport.xyz/docs/nftport/ZG9jOjQ1ODQ4NzQ4-quotas. If you need higher limits, see https://www.nftport.xyz/pricing' } } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying { response: 'NOK', error: { status_code: 422, code: 'invalid_address', message: 'Invalid address: contract_address.' } } CATCH ERROR: NOK: [object Object] Retrying Terminate batch job (Y/N)? hi it's me

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Wildshells it looks like you've followed this thread, did you read this comment?

Wildshells commented 1 year ago

I tried not working> here is the code> const basePath = process.cwd(); const fs = require("fs"); const { MODE } = require(${basePath}/constants/blend_mode.js); const { NETWORK } = require(${basePath}/constants/network.js);

const network = NETWORK.eth;

// General metadata for Ethereum const namePrefix = "Wild Shells"; const description = "Wild Shells is a truly unique NFT collection created by 14-year-old, Abubakr. This collection features a stunning array of shells, each with its own personality ands traits, making it an absolute must-have for any discerning NFT collector."; const baseUri = "ipfs://Qmconstants-WSsSpqBhHRGFPnobTVNtBvBwaQKW6v8jgCDgmXnX9BhdZFw"; // This will be replaced automatically

// If you have selected Solana then the collection starts from 0 automatically const layerConfigurations = [ { growEditionSizeTo: 4000, layersOrder: [ { name: "Background" }, { name: "Skins" }, { name: "Shells" }, { name: "Outline" }, { name: "ShellWear" }, { name: "Eyes" }, { name: "Glasses" }, { name: "Hats" }, { name: "MouthWear" }, ], }, ];

const shuffleLayerConfigurations = false;

const debugLogs = false;

const format = { width: 3000, height: 3000, smoothing: false, };

const extraMetadata = { external_url: "https://sites.google.com/view/wildshells", // Replace with your website or remove this line if you do not have one. };

// NFTPort Info // REQUIRED const AUTH = "d9d00eda-4b38-4949-a8f3-dd39763e134e"; const LIMIT = 1; // Your API key rate limit const CONTRACT_NAME = 'Wild Shells'; const CONTRACT_SYMBOL = 'WWs'; const CONTRACT_TYPE = 'erc721'; const MINT_TO_ADDRESS = '0xC5FCb6c19E1240Eb28E74f9A903e24F3A6a486eB'; const CHAIN = 'polygon'; const METADATA_UPDATABLE = true; // set to false if you don't want to allow metadata updates after minting const ROYALTY_SHARE = 100; // Percentage of the token price that goes to the royalty address. 100 bps = 1% const ROYALTY_ADDRESS = "0xC5FCb6c19E1240Eb28E74f9A903e24F3A6a486eB"; // Address that will receive the royalty // OPTIONAL let CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x413131a0b6b8b06095d4a1cff834e81b01604287"; // If you want to manually include it // Generic Metadata is optional if you want to reveal your NFTs const GENERIC = false; // Set to true if you want to upload generic metas and reveal the real NFTs in the future const GENERIC_TITLE = "Unknown"; // Replace with what you want the generic titles to say. const GENERIC_DESCRIPTION = "Unknown"; // Replace with what you want the generic descriptions to say. const GENERIC_IMAGE = [ "0x413131a0b6b8b06095d4a1cff834e81b01604287", ]; // Replace with your generic image(s). If multiple, separate with a comma. const REVEAL_PROMPT = true; // Set to false if you want to disable the prompt to confirm each reveal. const INTERVAL = 900000; // Milliseconds. This is the interval for it to check for sales and reveal the NFT. 900000 = 15 minutes.

// Automatically set contract address if deployed using the deployContract.js script try { const rawContractData = fs.readFileSync( ${basePath}/build/contract/_contract.json ); const contractData = JSON.parse(rawContractData); if (contractData.response === "OK" && contractData.error === null) { CONTRACT_ADDRESS = contractData.contract_address; } } catch (error) { // Do nothing, falling back to manual contract address } // END NFTPort Info

const solanaMetadata = { symbol: "WSs", seller_fee_basis_points: 100, // Define how much % you want from secondary market sales 1000 = 10% external_url: "", creators: [ { address: "0xC5FCb6c19E1240Eb28E74f9A903e24F3A6a486eB", share: 100, }, ], };

const gif = { export: false, repeat: 0, quality: 100, delay: 500, };

const text = { only: false, color: "#ffffff", size: 20, xGap: 40, yGap: 40, align: "left", baseline: "top", weight: "regular", family: "Courier", spacer: " => ", };

const pixelFormat = { ratio: 2 / 128, };

const background = { generate: true, brightness: "80%", static: false, default: "#000000", };

const rarityDelimiter = "#";

const uniqueDnaTorrance = 10000;

const preview = { thumbPerRow: 5, thumbWidth: 50, imageRatio: format.height / format.width, imageName: "preview.png", };

const preview_gif = { numberOfImages: 5, order: "ASC", // ASC, DESC, MIXED repeat: 0, quality: 100, delay: 500, imageName: "preview.gif", };

module.exports = { format, baseUri, description, background, uniqueDnaTorrance, layerConfigurations, rarityDelimiter, preview, shuffleLayerConfigurations, debugLogs, extraMetadata, pixelFormat, text, namePrefix, network, solanaMetadata, gif, preview_gif, AUTH, LIMIT, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, MINT_TO_ADDRESS, CHAIN, GENERIC, GENERIC_TITLE, GENERIC_DESCRIPTION, GENERIC_IMAGE, INTERVAL, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_SYMBOL, CONTRACT_TYPE, REVEAL_PROMPT, METADATA_UPDATABLE, ROYALTY_SHARE, ROYALTY_ADDRESS, };

bolshoytoster commented 1 year ago

@Wildshells if you're still getting the message: 'Invalid address: contract_address.' error, make sure you've saved src/config.js, and make sure let CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x413131a0b6b8b06095d4a1cff834e81b01604287"; is correct (might it work without the 0x)

Wildshells commented 1 year ago

don't work