HashLips / hashlips_art_engine

HashLips Art Engine is a tool used to create multiple different instances of artworks based on provided layers.
MIT License
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Erreur commande npm install truffle -g #781

Open AlexandreFrart opened 2 years ago

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

Bonjour ! J'ai beau essayé de nombreuses commandes pour résoudre le bug, j'arrive toujours au même résultat. Est-ce que vous sauriez ce qu'il ne fonctionne pas s'il vous plait ?

PS E:\NFT\generative-art-node-main> npm install truffle -g npm WARN deprecated mkdirp-promise@5.0.1: This package is broken and no longer maintained. 'mkdirp' itself supports promises now, please switch to that. npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated npm WARN deprecated ipld-raw@6.0.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated apollo-tracing@0.15.0: The apollo-tracing package is no longer part of Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#tracing for details npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated graphql-extensions@0.15.0: The graphql-extensions API has been removed from Apollo Server 3. Use the plugin API instead: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/integrations/plugins/ npm WARN deprecated debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) npm WARN deprecated cids@1.1.9: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-cbor@0.17.1: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-cbor and multiformats npm WARN deprecated apollo-cache-control@0.14.0: The functionality provided by the apollo-cache-control package is built in to apollo-server-core starting with Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#cachecontrol for details. npm WARN deprecated multicodec@1.0.4: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@2.0.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.6.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.7.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.3.2: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@3.1.2: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated mkdirp@0.5.1: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.) npm WARN deprecated multicodec@0.5.7: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-pb@0.20.0: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-pb and multiformats npm WARN deprecated multicodec@3.2.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated node-pre-gyp@0.11.0: Please upgrade to @mapbox/node-pre-gyp: the non-scoped node-pre-gyp package is deprecated and only the @mapbox scoped package will recieve updates in the future npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated cids@0.7.5: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module
npm WARN deprecated graphql-tools@4.0.8: This package has been deprecated and now it only exports makeExecutableSchema.\nAnd it will no longer receive updates.\nWe recommend you to migrate to scoped packages such as @graphql-tools/schema, @graphql-tools/utils and etc.\nCheck out https://www.graphql-tools.com to learn what package you should use instead npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\leveldown npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok npm ERR! gyp info using node-gyp@8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp info using node@16.14.0 | win32 | x64 npm ERR! gyp info find Python using Python version 3.10.2 found at "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version not set from command line or npm config npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS VCINSTALLDIR not set, not running in VS Command Prompt npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS checking VS2019 (16.11.32126.315) found at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools"
npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found "Visual Studio C++ core features" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - missing any VC++ toolset npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use
npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS looking for Visual Studio 2015 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - not found npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS not looking for VS2013 as it is only supported up to Node.js 8
npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS **
npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS You need to install the latest version of Visual Studio npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS including the "Desktop development with C++" workload. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS For more information consult the documentation at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-windows npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! configure error npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: Could not find any Visual Studio installation to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.fail (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:122:47) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:75:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.findVisualStudio2013 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:363:14) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:71:14 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:384:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:54:7 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:33:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:406:5) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:520:28) npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19042 npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\leveldown npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v16.14.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2022-02-21T10_07_25_943Z-debug-0.log

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cpp/build/vscpp-step-0-installation

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cpp/build/vscpp-step-0-installation

Bonjour, merci, qu'est-ce que je doios réaliser sur ce lien ? @bolshoytoster

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart suivez les étapes

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart suivez les étapes

D'accord, le bug vient d'où finalement ? J'aimerais comprendre svp @bolchoïtoster

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart vous devez installer Visual Studio avec la charge de travail c++ pour installer Truffle.

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

Merci beaucoup ! J'espère que ça va fonctionner, merci pour votre aide !

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

J'ai installé visual studio 2022 avec la charge de travail c++ puis en tapant npm install truffle -g dans le terminal, j'ai exactement la même suite d'erreur. Il marque toujours que je dois télécharger la dernière version avec la prise en charge desktop c++ Il y a t'il une action à faire pour actualiser l'installation de la charge de travail c++ ou autre chose à faire svp ?

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart pouvez-vous coller l'erreur à nouveau s'il vous plaît.

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

PS E:\NFT\generative-art-node-main> npm install truffle -g npm WARN deprecated mkdirp-promise@5.0.1: This package is broken and no longer maintained. 'mkdirp' itself supports promises now, please switch to that. npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated ipld-raw@6.0.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated apollo-tracing@0.15.0: The apollo-tracing package is no longer part of Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#tracing for details npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated graphql-extensions@0.15.0: The graphql-extensions API has been removed from Apollo Server 3. Use the plugin API instead: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/integrations/plugins/ npm WARN deprecated debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) npm WARN deprecated cids@1.1.9: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-cbor@0.17.1: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-cbor and multiformats npm WARN deprecated apollo-cache-control@0.14.0: The functionality provided by the apollo-cache-control package is built in to apollo-server-core starting with Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#cachecontrol for details. npm WARN deprecated multicodec@1.0.4: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@2.0.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.6.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.7.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.3.2: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@3.1.2: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated mkdirp@0.5.1: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.) npm WARN deprecated multicodec@0.5.7: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-pb@0.20.0: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-pb and multiformats npm WARN deprecated multicodec@3.2.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated node-pre-gyp@0.11.0: Please upgrade to @mapbox/node-pre-gyp: the non-scoped node-pre-gyp package is deprecated and only the @mapbox scoped package will recieve updates in the future npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated cids@0.7.5: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated graphql-tools@4.0.8: This package has been deprecated and now it only exports makeExecutableSchema.\nAnd it will no longer receive updates.\nWe recommend you to migrate to scoped packages such as @graphql-tools/schema, @graphql-tools/utils and etc.\nCheck out https://www.graphql-tools.com to learn what package you should use instead npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\@trufflesuite\bigint-buffer npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok npm ERR! gyp info using node-gyp@8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp info using node@17.5.0 | win32 | x64 npm ERR! gyp info find Python using Python version 3.10.2 found at "C:\Python310\python.exe" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version was set from command line or npm config npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - looking for Visual Studio version 2017 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS running in VS Command Prompt, installation path is: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - will only use this version npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS checking VS2022 (17.1.32210.238) found at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found "Visual Studio C++ core features" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found VC++ toolset: v143 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found Windows SDK: 10.0.19041.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - msvs_version does not match this version npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS looking for Visual Studio 2015 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - not found npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS not looking for VS2013 as it is only supported up to Node.js 8 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version does not match this VS Command Prompt or the npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS installation cannot be used. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS You need to install the latest version of Visual Studio npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS including the "Desktop development with C++" workload. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS For more information consult the documentation at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-windows npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! configure error npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: Could not find any Visual Studio installation to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.fail (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:122:47) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:75:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.findVisualStudio2013 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:363:14) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:71:14 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:384:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:54:7 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:33:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:406:5) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1090:16) npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19042 npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\@trufflesuite\bigint-buffer npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v17.5.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2022-02-21T12_43_14_008Z-debug-0.log

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart cela peut fonctionner si vous modifiez la ligne

return path.join(info.path, 'MSBuild', '15.0', 'Bin', 'MSBuild.exe')


return path.join(info.path, 'MSBuild', '15.0', 'Bin', 'amd64', 'MSBuild.exe')

autour de la ligne 270 en C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js.

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

J'ai essayé, mais ça m'a emmené directement sur l'ancien visual studio code. J'ai modifié la ligne, remplacé par la ligne que vous m'avez donné. Mais après un chargement plus long que d'habitude même erreur.

J'ai donc désinstaller la version visual studio code. J'ai maintenant uniquement la version visual studio 2022. Est-ce que ça pourrait changer quelques chose ?

Mais en tapant npm install truffle -g sur le terminal de visual studio code 2022 j'ai eu l'erreur suivante, qui semble similaire aux précédente.

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

PS E:\NFT\generative-art-node-main> npm install truffle -g npm WARN deprecated mkdirp-promise@5.0.1: This package is broken and no longer maintained. 'mkdirp' itself supports promises now, please switch to that. npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated ipld-raw@6.0.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated apollo-tracing@0.15.0: The apollo-tracing package is no longer part of Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#tracing for details npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated graphql-extensions@0.15.0: The graphql-extensions API has been removed from Apollo Server 3. Use the plugin API instead: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/integrations/plugins/ npm WARN deprecated debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) npm WARN deprecated cids@1.1.9: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-cbor@0.17.1: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-cbor and multiformats npm WARN deprecated apollo-cache-control@0.14.0: The functionality provided by the apollo-cache-control package is built in to apollo-server-core starting with Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#cachecontrol for details. npm WARN deprecated multicodec@1.0.4: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@2.0.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.6.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.7.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.3.2: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@3.1.2: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated mkdirp@0.5.1: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.) npm WARN deprecated multicodec@0.5.7: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-pb@0.20.0: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-pb and multiformats npm WARN deprecated multicodec@3.2.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated node-pre-gyp@0.11.0: Please upgrade to @mapbox/node-pre-gyp: the non-scoped node-pre-gyp package is deprecated and only the @mapbox scoped package will recieve updates in the future npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated cids@0.7.5: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated graphql-tools@4.0.8: This package has been deprecated and now it only exports makeExecutableSchema.\nAnd it will no longer receive updates.\nWe recommend you to migrate to scoped packages such as @graphql-tools/schema, @graphql-tools/utils and etc.\nCheck out https://www.graphql-tools.com to learn what package you should use instead npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\secp256k1 npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok npm ERR! gyp info using node-gyp@8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp info using node@17.5.0 | win32 | x64 npm ERR! gyp info find Python using Python version 3.10.2 found at "C:\Python310\python.exe" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version was set from command line or npm config npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - looking for Visual Studio version 2017 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS running in VS Command Prompt, installation path is: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - will only use this version npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS checking VS2022 (17.1.32210.238) found at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found "Visual Studio C++ core features" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found VC++ toolset: v143 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found Windows SDK: 10.0.19041.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - msvs_version does not match this version npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS checking VS2019 (16.11.32126.315) found at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found "Visual Studio C++ core features" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - missing any VC++ toolset npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS looking for Visual Studio 2015 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - not found npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS not looking for VS2013 as it is only supported up to Node.js 8 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version does not match this VS Command Prompt or the npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS installation cannot be used. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS You need to install the latest version of Visual Studio npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS including the "Desktop development with C++" workload. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS For more information consult the documentation at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-windows npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! configure error npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: Could not find any Visual Studio installation to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.fail (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:122:47) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:75:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.findVisualStudio2013 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:363:14) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:71:14 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:384:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:54:7 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:33:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:406:5) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1090:16) npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19042 npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\secp256k1 npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v17.5.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2022-02-21T13_04_45_785Z-debug-0.log

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@AlexandreFrart pourriez-vous essayer d'exécuter l'invite de commande en tant qu'administrateur puis d'exécuter npm install truffle -g.

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

Oui, je dois faire de quelle façon pour l'exécuter en tant qu'administrateur ?

(merci pour votre aide, j'espère vraiment y arriver)

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago


AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

C:\Windows\System32>npm install truffle -g npm WARN deprecated mkdirp-promise@5.0.1: This package is broken and no longer maintained. 'mkdirp' itself supports promises now, please switch to that. npm WARN deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported npm WARN deprecated ipld-raw@6.0.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated apollo-tracing@0.15.0: The apollo-tracing package is no longer part of Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#tracing for details npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated npm WARN deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated npm WARN deprecated graphql-extensions@0.15.0: The graphql-extensions API has been removed from Apollo Server 3. Use the plugin API instead: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/integrations/plugins/ npm WARN deprecated debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) npm WARN deprecated cids@1.1.9: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-cbor@0.17.1: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-cbor and multiformats npm WARN deprecated apollo-cache-control@0.14.0: The functionality provided by the apollo-cache-control package is built in to apollo-server-core starting with Apollo Server 3. See https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/migration/#cachecontrol for details. npm WARN deprecated multicodec@1.0.4: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@2.0.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.6.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@0.7.0: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.2.1: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.3.2: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@4.0.6: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multibase@3.1.2: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated mkdirp@0.5.1: Legacy versions of mkdirp are no longer supported. Please update to mkdirp 1.x. (Note that the API surface has changed to use Promises in 1.x.) npm WARN deprecated multicodec@0.5.7: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated ipld-dag-pb@0.20.0: This module has been superseded by @ipld/dag-pb and multiformats npm WARN deprecated multicodec@3.2.1: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated node-pre-gyp@0.11.0: Please upgrade to @mapbox/node-pre-gyp: the non-scoped node-pre-gyp package is deprecated and only the @mapbox scoped package will recieve updates in the future npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated multicodec@2.1.3: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated cids@0.7.5: This module has been superseded by the multiformats module npm WARN deprecated graphql-tools@4.0.8: This package has been deprecated and now it only exports makeExecutableSchema.\nAnd it will no longer receive updates.\nWe recommend you to migrate to scoped packages such as @graphql-tools/schema, @graphql-tools/utils and etc.\nCheck out https://www.graphql-tools.com to learn what package you should use instead npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.4 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm ERR! code 1 npm ERR! path C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\keccak npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok npm ERR! gyp info using node-gyp@8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp info using node@17.5.0 | win32 | x64 npm ERR! gyp info find Python using Python version 3.10.2 found at "C:\Python310\python.exe" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version was set from command line or npm config npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - looking for Visual Studio version 2017 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS running in VS Command Prompt, installation path is: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - will only use this version npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS checking VS2022 (17.1.32210.238) found at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found "Visual Studio C++ core features" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found VC++ toolset: v143 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found Windows SDK: 10.0.19041.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - msvs_version does not match this version npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS checking VS2019 (16.11.32126.315) found at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - found "Visual Studio C++ core features" npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - missing any VC++ toolset npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS could not find a version of Visual Studio 2017 or newer to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS looking for Visual Studio 2015 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS - not found npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS not looking for VS2013 as it is only supported up to Node.js 8 npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS msvs_version does not match this VS Command Prompt or the npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS installation cannot be used. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS You need to install the latest version of Visual Studio npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS including the "Desktop development with C++" workload. npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS For more information consult the documentation at: npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-windows npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS ** npm ERR! gyp ERR! find VS npm ERR! gyp ERR! configure error npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: Could not find any Visual Studio installation to use npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.fail (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:122:47) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:75:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at VisualStudioFinder.findVisualStudio2013 (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:363:14) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:71:14 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\find-visualstudio.js:384:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:54:7 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\util.js:33:16 npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:406:5) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28) npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1090:16) npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.19042 npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\truffle\node_modules\ganache\node_modules\keccak npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v17.5.0 npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v8.4.1 npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2022-02-21T13_42_09_128Z-debug-0.log

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

Je vais essayer d'installer les modules de C++ qui ne sont pas par défault

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

npm ERR ! gyp ERR ! trouver VS - il manque un ensemble d'outils VC++

Par rapport à cette ligne d'erreur, vous pensez qu'il pourrait manquer quel outils ?

AlexandreFrart commented 2 years ago

Bon j'ai tout désinstaller, je vais tout réinstaller dans l'ordre.

tuncatunc commented 2 years ago

I recommend you to switch to WSL on windows.

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@tuncatunc I don't think that would help; the eror is because it doesn't accept their visual studio: msvs_version does not match this version. Using WSL would mean it probably wouldn't find VS at all.

tuncatunc commented 2 years ago

I had the same problem before. With WSL you'll be using gcc instead of Microsoft VS

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@tuncatunc fair enough.

vipdiv commented 2 years ago

I recommend you to switch to WSL on windows.

Same issue here. What is WSL? How does one switch from Visual Studio Code to WSL on windows?

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago


Same issue here.

could you paste the error please.

What is WSL?

It's Windows Subsystem for Linux, it lets you simulate a linux environment under windows (despite a number of things not working).

By default, it's a terminal environment so I'd probably recommend it as a last resort for the average person.