HashLips / hashlips_art_engine

HashLips Art Engine is a tool used to create multiple different instances of artworks based on provided layers.
MIT License
7.17k stars 4.3k forks source link

Module not found require Stack #831

Open MyCryptoBabies opened 2 years ago

MyCryptoBabies commented 2 years ago

First of all thank you for providing us with the opportunity. I looked though ALL 19 pages and could not find what I need. If I go to package.Json and run the debug, it generates about 25 pics. I can't get it to work for anything else. I am trying to make 500 but I have been dealing with this since last Tuesday. Googling, watching videos etc... First I had a HUGE problem getting the program to actually install everything. This is the first problem now that I need to get past. I am on Windows 10 pc



bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@MyCryptoBabies it's npm run generate.

MyCryptoBabies commented 2 years ago


I've tried everything

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@MyCryptoBabies I think you're in the wrong folder. Run ls -Directory to get the name, and run cd + name to change to it.

MyCryptoBabies commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much...It worked but it only generated 109 images. All these tries I've been doing, I have been saving the files. Can I use those files if I change the files numbers? And THANK YOU so much for getting back to me so quickly. where can I go to make a donation for all the amazing work you guys are doing? Ps - I'm sure I'll be back here needing more help.

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago


It worked but it only generated 109 images

Could you paste the last ~5 lines of the output please.

where can I go to make a donation for all the amazing work you guys are doing

I don't think there is a place for donations.

Ps - I'm sure I'll be back here needing more help.


MyCryptoBabies commented 2 years ago

You need to have a paypal link. So many people are using this program, I am sure MANY would be willing to help support the development you are doing. It's VERY GENEROUS and GREAT that is is FREE! but there are a lot of people that would like to back you in the venture. ADD A PAYPAL LINK! I will be the first to donate> Thanks again!

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@MyCryptoBabies the main developer for this hasn't been active since the 26th Janurary unfortunately.

MyCryptoBabies commented 2 years ago

Hi, Trying to upload the base url and can't please help, Thank you

base url error

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@MyCryptoBabies utils/updateBaseUrl.js doesn't exist. Perhaps you meant utils/update_info.js.

JB6killer commented 2 years ago

hey guys, I have a similar issue, can't find how to fix it. Thanks guys !

Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 5 47 47 pm
bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@JB6killer can you paste the full error please.

unorthodoxxxx commented 2 years ago

hi guys im having same problem. please i really need help

Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 11 22 43 PM
bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@unorthodoxxxx run npm install.

unorthodoxxxx commented 2 years ago

thank you for even responding. i appreciate it.

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@unorthodoxxxx one of our dependencies doesn't support M1 macs, look at some other issues for help.

unorthodoxxxx commented 2 years ago

thanks a lot. i'll go straight there.

Paiyah commented 2 years ago


hi guys im having same problem. please i really need help

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@Paiyah you're in the wrong place, but you can try running npm i chalk/npm i -g chalk

Paiyah commented 2 years ago

@PaiyahAnda berada di tempat yang salah, tetapi Anda dapat mencoba menjalankan npm i chalk/npm i -g chalk

Screenshot_20220727_032353 what's the next step?

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@Paiyah probably run whatever you were running before.

Paiyah commented 2 years ago

@Paiyahmungkin menjalankan apa pun yang Anda jalankan sebelumnya.

Screenshot_20220727_032919 and i experienced this

bolshoytoster commented 2 years ago

@Paiyah can you please open an issue where you got the code from.

Paiyah commented 2 years ago

@Paiyahdapatkah Anda membuka masalah dari mana Anda mendapatkan kode itu.

Npm start