Open heisenbergpromotions opened 2 years ago
Hi, thank you for your submission. I too am curious about converting the current Connect button into a WalletConnect prompt. Where in the app would I go to start tinkering with that feature specifically, if you don't mind sharing? Thank you.
Hi, thank you for your submission. I too am curious about converting the current Connect button into a WalletConnect prompt. Where in the app would I go to start tinkering with that feature specifically, if you don't mind sharing? Thank you.
The main functions for the "connect" window is located in src/redux/blockchain/blockchainActions.js
If you do get it working, please do let me know as I have tried but failed, there's a lot of interconnectivity between the functions in blockchainActions.js which resulted in me breaking other things too many times.
Here you go, replace the whole file blockchainActions.js with the below code
// constants
import Web3EthContract from "web3-eth-contract";
import Web3 from "web3";
import Web3Modal from "web3modal";
import WalletConnectProvider from "@walletconnect/web3-provider";
import WalletLink from "walletlink";
// log
import { fetchData } from "../data/dataActions";
const INFURA_ID = "";
const providerOptions = {
walletconnect: {
package: WalletConnectProvider, // required
options: {
infuraId: INFURA_ID, // required
rpc: {
43114: "", // AVAX C-Chain
walletlink: {
package: WalletLink, // Required
options: {
appName: "Ava Sharks", // Required
infuraId: "", // Required unless you provide a JSON RPC url; see `rpc` below
rpc: "", // Optional if `infuraId` is provided; otherwise it's required
chainId: 43114, // Optional. It defaults to 1 if not provided
appLogoUrl: null, // Optional. Application logo image URL. favicon is used if unspecified
darkMode: false, // Optional. Use dark theme, defaults to false
const connectRequest = () => {
return {
const connectSuccess = (payload) => {
return {
payload: payload,
const connectFailed = (payload) => {
return {
payload: payload,
const updateAccountRequest = (payload) => {
return {
payload: payload,
export const connect = () => {
return async (dispatch) => {
try {
const abiResponse = await fetch("/config/abi.json", {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json",
const abi = await abiResponse.json();
const configResponse = await fetch("/config/config.json", {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json",
const CONFIG = await configResponse.json();
const web3Modal = new Web3Modal({
network: "mainnet", // optional
cacheProvider: false, // optional
providerOptions, // required
const provider = await web3Modal.connect();
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
console.log("web", web3);
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
const networkId = await provider.request({
method: "net_version",
console.log("networkId", networkId);
if (networkId == CONFIG.NETWORK.ID) {
const SmartContractObj = new Web3EthContract(
account: accounts[0],
smartContract: SmartContractObj,
web3: web3,
// Add listeners start
provider.on("accountsChanged", (accounts) => {
provider.on("chainChanged", () => {
// Add listeners end
} else {
dispatch(connectFailed(`Change network to ${CONFIG.NETWORK.NAME}.`));
} catch (err) {
console.log("error", err, " message", err.message);
if (
typeof err !== "undefined" &&
typeof err.message !== "undefined" &&
err.message.includes("User Rejected")
) {
dispatch(connectFailed("User rejected the request"));
} else if (
(typeof err === "string" || err instanceof String) &&
err.includes("Modal closed by user")
) {
dispatch(connectFailed("Modal closed by user"));
} else {
dispatch(connectFailed("Something went wrong."));
export const updateAccount = (account) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
dispatch(updateAccountRequest({ account: account }));
Thank you, do we need to install any additional dependencies for this to work?
Here you go, replace the whole file blockchainActions.js with the below code
// constants import Web3EthContract from "web3-eth-contract"; import Web3 from "web3"; import Web3Modal from "web3modal"; import WalletConnectProvider from "@walletconnect/web3-provider"; import WalletLink from "walletlink"; // log import { fetchData } from "../data/dataActions"; const INFURA_ID = ""; const providerOptions = { walletconnect: { package: WalletConnectProvider, // required options: { infuraId: INFURA_ID, // required rpc: { 43114: "", // AVAX C-Chain }, }, }, walletlink: { package: WalletLink, // Required options: { appName: "Ava Sharks", // Required infuraId: "", // Required unless you provide a JSON RPC url; see `rpc` below rpc: "", // Optional if `infuraId` is provided; otherwise it's required chainId: 43114, // Optional. It defaults to 1 if not provided appLogoUrl: null, // Optional. Application logo image URL. favicon is used if unspecified darkMode: false, // Optional. Use dark theme, defaults to false }, }, }; const connectRequest = () => { return { type: "CONNECTION_REQUEST", }; }; const connectSuccess = (payload) => { return { type: "CONNECTION_SUCCESS", payload: payload, }; }; const connectFailed = (payload) => { return { type: "CONNECTION_FAILED", payload: payload, }; }; const updateAccountRequest = (payload) => { return { type: "UPDATE_ACCOUNT", payload: payload, }; }; export const connect = () => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch(connectRequest()); try { const abiResponse = await fetch("/config/abi.json", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }, }); const abi = await abiResponse.json(); const configResponse = await fetch("/config/config.json", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }, }); const CONFIG = await configResponse.json(); localStorage.removeItem("walletconnect"); localStorage.removeItem("WALLETCONNECT_DEEPLINK_CHOICE"); const web3Modal = new Web3Modal({ network: "mainnet", // optional cacheProvider: false, // optional providerOptions, // required }); const provider = await web3Modal.connect(); const web3 = new Web3(provider); console.log("web", web3); Web3EthContract.setProvider(provider); const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const networkId = await provider.request({ method: "net_version", }); console.log("networkId", networkId); if (networkId == CONFIG.NETWORK.ID) { const SmartContractObj = new Web3EthContract( abi, CONFIG.CONTRACT_ADDRESS ); dispatch( connectSuccess({ account: accounts[0], smartContract: SmartContractObj, web3: web3, }) ); // Add listeners start provider.on("accountsChanged", (accounts) => { dispatch(updateAccount(accounts[0])); }); provider.on("chainChanged", () => { window.location.reload(); }); // Add listeners end } else { dispatch(connectFailed(`Change network to ${CONFIG.NETWORK.NAME}.`)); } } catch (err) { console.log("error", err, " message", err.message); if ( typeof err !== "undefined" && typeof err.message !== "undefined" && err.message.includes("User Rejected") ) { dispatch(connectFailed("User rejected the request")); } else if ( (typeof err === "string" || err instanceof String) && err.includes("Modal closed by user") ) { dispatch(connectFailed("Modal closed by user")); } else { dispatch(connectFailed("Something went wrong.")); } } }; }; export const updateAccount = (account) => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch(updateAccountRequest({ account: account })); dispatch(fetchData(account)); }; };
Thank you so much, amazing addition to this Dapp! Working like a charm for me
Thank you, do we need to install any additional dependencies for this to work?
You need to install anything you don't already have that is in the "imports" at the start of the code, such as: use npm install walletlink
Thank you flappys......
Much appreicated. I am having a problem with the code. I tried to use both INFURA_ID and RPC links, but could not complete the cycle. Once connected to wallet, i click on the mint button, it changes to busy and nothing happens on mobile. The code is working with no issues when using desktop. i am using rinkey network.
Your help is much appreciated.
Here is the working example. It works for both wallet connect using trust and metamask and even coinbase.
Try this and see if you face same issues.
I cant mint because sales is not active. I am connected to rinkbey for testing and minting not working with this app on mobile.
well it is not possible to know unless i try it myself. you can post a link to your deployed website (try vercel or github links) and i can try
Is there away to share the link in private?
Didnt work... do you have accept friends and DM enabled? i tried to add u to friends list and your id could not be found
Please try this link
edit: try creating rpc in infura and use it. Not very sure why this is happening
I used the links from this webstie, is it wrong?
Tried it but still didnt work... now it is asking to connect wallet again while with original setup it was asking to mint
Tried it but still didn't work... now it is asking to connect wallet again while with original setup it was asking to mint
hi - i was able to get the WC functioning both from pc and mobile using the following adjustments. Our implementations is on Polygon however. you can see it here:
I believe the walletlink section is for Coinbase wallet if I'm not mistaken - i have not tested that.
const providerOptions = { walletconnect: { package: WalletConnectProvider, // required options: { infuraId: process.env.myINFURA_ID, rpc: { 1: "" + process.env.myINFURA_ID, 42: "" + process.env.myINFURA_ID, 137: "", 80001: "", }, }, },
Didnt work either....
Flappys, ibexboy....
Your help is very much appreicated. I managed to get it work. As flappy said, the link on is incorrect. In addtion, i had an issue with the project id and needed to create a new one.
I am able to mint through mobile app succefully. Only issue now is when I mint, it doesnt refresh the actual account of minted NFT's on application page. Refresh and connect again will show the actual number.
Hi, I have the same issue like fadikc. "nce connected to wallet, i click on the mint button, it changes to busy and nothing happens on mobile" How did you solve that problem?
Hi, I have the same issue like fadikc. "nce connected to wallet, i click on the mint button, it changes to busy and nothing happens on mobile" How did you solve that problem?
You need to get a project_id from infura website and use it when you call your RPC link.
" your project_id here from Infura"
Ok thanks mate for the quick respond! So I have to get a Project ID from Infura and put it in InfuraID: ""? or at RPC: ?
Thats my Code at the moment - Copy n Paste from heisenbergpromotions :)
walletlink: {
package: WalletLink, // Required
options: {
appName: "Ava Sharks", // Required
infuraId: "", // Required unless you provide a JSON RPC url; see rpc
rpc: "", // Optional if infuraId
is provided; otherwise it's required
chainId: 43114, // Optional. It defaults to 1 if not provided
appLogoUrl: null, // Optional. Application logo image URL. favicon is used if unspecified
darkMode: false, // Optional. Use dark theme, defaults to false
I used the second code provided by ibexboy
const providerOptions = { walletconnect: { package: WalletConnectProvider, // required options: { infuraId: process.env.myINFURA_ID, rpc: { 1: "" + process.env.myINFURA_ID, 42: "" + process.env.myINFURA_ID, 137: "", 80001: "", }, }, },
Thank you so much! It got it going with Trust and Metamask :) Have just one Issue if I decline minting my dabb crashes with this error. Have you had a similar problem?
Unhandled Rejection (Error): User rejected the transaction (anonymous function) src/events.ts:67 trigger src/events.ts:65 (anonymous function) src/index.ts:985
It doesnt crash for me when I reject. It just says that something went wrong when I rejected the mint. I think that the message is customizable in the dapp. My only issue so far is when minting, it doenst reflect that actual number in the dapp page counter and have to refresh and connect again to show the actual number.
Found another Issue xD I did just run "npm run build" and put the build on my sharehoster. Now WC wont work at all, QR Code pops up but cant connect with Trust oder Metmask. When I run "npm run start" everything runs perfect on my localhost:3000 .... Any Ideas?
I dont have the issue, i uploaded a test version to webhosting and it is working for me. Did you download the metamask app on your mobile?
Yes i got trust and metamask on my mobile. Works now on localhost with npm run start perfect. On webhost the QR Code pops up, my wallet scans it (trust and metamask) and the Mobilapp says "cant connect" ... on localhost no issue :(
I really cant tell why it wont work. Make sure that project_id used on Infura is setup to the same network used when testing the mobile app (i.e. mainnet, rinkeby,etc...)
Does any one know how to change the unknown method message in metamask window when you want to confirm minting on mobile?
Thank You
I was able to finally solve this using part of the code above and the existing HashLips code from blockchainActions.js
. The below code defaults to MetaMask and then if MetaMask isn't found, tries Wallet Connect rather than just dying and not providing the user with any feedback, allowing the user to select Coinbase Wallet to mint. Confirmed to be working on both mobile and desktop, including Safari. If anyone has any other updates to this please let me know.
First you need to install the walletconnect dependencies by running yarn add @walletconnect/web3-provider
in terminal. You may also need to run the following:
npm install --save web3-provider
npm install --save web3modal
npm install --save walletlink
Then replace the entirety of your blockchainActions.js
if you've used the boilerplate code from the repo with the following, ensuring you replace My App Name
with your app's name:
I got everything to work and we minted one of ours via Trust Wallet but it's not showing up on opensea collection page. We can view the NFT in our wallet and under the activity page on opensea.
Does anyone know why or how I can fix this?
Thank you,
Ah, looks like the issue is that the code the person above provided uses avax chain—that's probably why. Not sure how to change to ethereum so I have to look into this. Anyone else know?
I figured out how to change it to Ethereum. All you have to do is change the RPC URL which I did below. We got it to mint and show up on Opensea.
`// constants import Web3EthContract from "web3-eth-contract"; import Web3 from "web3"; import Web3Modal from "web3modal"; import WalletConnectProvider from "@walletconnect/web3-provider"; import WalletLink from "walletlink";
// log import { fetchData } from "../data/dataActions";
const INFURA_ID = "";
const providerOptions = {
walletconnect: {
package: WalletConnectProvider, // required
options: {
infuraId: INFURA_ID, // required
rpc: {
1: "", // Mainnet
walletlink: {
package: WalletLink, // Required
options: {
appName: "Bad", // Required
infuraId: "", // Required unless you provide a JSON RPC url; see rpc
rpc: "", // Optional if infuraId
is provided; otherwise it's required
chainId: 1, // Optional. It defaults to 1 if not provided
appLogoUrl: null, // Optional. Application logo image URL. favicon is used if unspecified
darkMode: false, // Optional. Use dark theme, defaults to false
const connectRequest = () => { return { type: "CONNECTION_REQUEST", }; };
const connectSuccess = (payload) => { return { type: "CONNECTION_SUCCESS", payload: payload, }; };
const connectFailed = (payload) => { return { type: "CONNECTION_FAILED", payload: payload, }; };
const updateAccountRequest = (payload) => { return { type: "UPDATE_ACCOUNT", payload: payload, }; };
export const connect = () => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch(connectRequest()); try { const abiResponse = await fetch("/config/abi.json", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }, }); const abi = await abiResponse.json(); const configResponse = await fetch("/config/config.json", { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }, }); const CONFIG = await configResponse.json(); localStorage.removeItem("walletconnect"); localStorage.removeItem("WALLETCONNECT_DEEPLINK_CHOICE"); const web3Modal = new Web3Modal({ network: "mainnet", // optional cacheProvider: false, // optional providerOptions, // required }); const provider = await web3Modal.connect(); const web3 = new Web3(provider); console.log("web", web3);
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
const networkId = await provider.request({
method: "net_version",
console.log("networkId", networkId);
if (networkId == CONFIG.NETWORK.ID) {
const SmartContractObj = new Web3EthContract(
account: accounts[0],
smartContract: SmartContractObj,
web3: web3,
// Add listeners start
provider.on("accountsChanged", (accounts) => {
provider.on("chainChanged", () => {
// Add listeners end
} else {
dispatch(connectFailed(`Change network to ${CONFIG.NETWORK.NAME}.`));
} catch (err) {
console.log("error", err, " message", err.message);
if (
typeof err !== "undefined" &&
typeof err.message !== "undefined" &&
err.message.includes("User Rejected")
) {
dispatch(connectFailed("User rejected the request"));
} else if (
(typeof err === "string" || err instanceof String) &&
err.includes("Modal closed by user")
) {
dispatch(connectFailed("Modal closed by user"));
} else {
dispatch(connectFailed("Something went wrong."));
}; };
export const updateAccount = (account) => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch(updateAccountRequest({ account: account })); dispatch(fetchData(account)); }; };
Nice work! How did you find the correct rpc URL?
Background I like this Dapp and have a build running with multiple customizations, such as dynamic price displays, randomized Mint orders, NFT Gallery of owned NFTs, ability to merge two NFT's to create a brand new minted NFT etc. One thing I'm having trouble with is adding on additional Web3 providers such as this example:
The way this is configured on the BlockchainActions.js to use
Web3EthContract.setProvider(ethereum); let web3 = new Web3(ethereum);
is difficult for me to swap. If I try using web3Modal above or WalletConnect as a provider, it seems to break everything.Request Make this more modern with multiple provider options across HD and Mobile so it can be used in a variety of platforms and applications, such as Trust Wallet Mobile etc
Hi, can you help me to add "NFT Gallery" to my dapp?
@Karmeleons You can find it in your MetaMask for whatever network you are looking for.
@austin2080 Ok, this seems to be working now but in iOS Coinbase wallet I'm getting a red 'Network Fee' and a message saying 'unable to determine fee, please try again later'. Did you only update the two rpc lines above?
@Karmeleons That's a good question. Did you change the "Chain Id to 1 as well?
@austin2080 I did. Did you actually successfully mint on mobile via Coinbase Wallet? I'm using a test wallet with no funds but it should still estimate fees.
@Karmeleons No, we tried it on Trust Wallet because that's what we needed and it worked but I'll look into the coinbase error since someone might want to use that.
@austin2080 You'd be surprised at how many people are using coinbase wallet/don't have an alternative so let me know what you find out. It's actually the main reason why I'm trying to figure this out :)
@Karmeleons That's good to know because I never would have thought of that. We are really trying to push towards the Cronos network so that's next on my list too lol
@austin2080 Update: This does actually work fine. I was using a test Coinbase Wallet with no funds and if it's empty you will get this message. This works:
@Karmeleons That makes a lot of sense lol...we actually just got ours to work a couple of hours ago.
@Karmeleons Do you know how to change the price on the front end dapp to CRO? The current dapp is in Wei and I don't believe that's how cronos works but I could be wrong.
@Karmeleons Do you know how to change the price on the front end dapp to CRO? The current dapp is in Wei and I don't believe that's how cronos works but I could be wrong.
Do you know how to get crypto defi wallet integrated into the dapp I can only get metamask to mint my nfts but I need to have crypto defi wallet to be able to as well
yarn add "deficonnect"
import { DeFiWeb3Connector } from "deficonnect"; import Web3 from "web3";
const connector = new DeFiWeb3Connector({ supportedChainIds: [1], rpc: { 1: "", 25: "", // cronos mainet }, pollingInterval: 15000, }); connector.activate(); const provider = await connector.getProvider(); const web3 = new Web3(provider); #
@PixelTigerClub The hashlips repo is made to work with ETH or Polygon, not sure if it's chain-agnostic.
Background I like this Dapp and have a build running with multiple customizations, such as dynamic price displays, randomized Mint orders, NFT Gallery of owned NFTs, ability to merge two NFT's to create a brand new minted NFT etc. One thing I'm having trouble with is adding on additional Web3 providers such as this example:
The way this is configured on the BlockchainActions.js to use
Web3EthContract.setProvider(ethereum); let web3 = new Web3(ethereum);
is difficult for me to swap. If I try using web3Modal above or WalletConnect as a provider, it seems to break everything.Request Make this more modern with multiple provider options across HD and Mobile so it can be used in a variety of platforms and applications, such as Trust Wallet Mobile etc