Hashan-Samarakkody / SwiftStock-Inventory_Management_System

This repository contains the code for a web-based Inventory Management System developed for the final project in Web Applications Development I. The application is built using PHP and MySQL, designed to help users efficiently manage their inventory items through a comprehensive set of features.
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Create Responsive Landing Page for Inventory Management System #9

Closed Hashan-Samarakkody closed 3 weeks ago

Hashan-Samarakkody commented 1 month ago


Design and implement an engaging, responsive landing page that introduces our Inventory Management System, provides easy access to login and registration, and follows our established design guidelines.


  1. Page Structure:    - Header with logo and navigation    - Main content area    - Footer (use the reusable footer component)

  2. Content Elements:    a. Welcome Message:       - Catchy headline introducing the Inventory Management System       - Brief, compelling description of key features and benefits       - Consider adding a hero image or illustration

   b. Call-to-Action Buttons:       - Prominent "Login" button       - Equally prominent "Register" button       - Ensure buttons are easily clickable on all devices

   c. Feature Highlights:       - List 3-4 key features of the Inventory Management System       - Use icons or small illustrations to make it visually appealing

   d. Footer:       - Implement the reusable footer (created in previous issue)       - Ensure it contains contact links and other relevant information

  1. Design and Styling:    - Implement the project's established color palette    - Use the selected font family consistently    - Create a visually appealing layout that guides the user's eye

  2. Responsive Design:    - Ensure the page is fully responsive    - Optimize layout for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices    - Test on various screen sizes and orientations

  3. Navigation:    - Include links to key pages (About, Features, Contact)    - Highlight the Login/Register options in the nav bar

  4. Interactivity:    - Implement smooth scrolling for navigation links    - Consider adding subtle animations or hover effects for engagement

  5. Performance:    - Optimize images and assets for fast loading    - Implement lazy loading for images if necessary

Technical Specifications:


Acceptance Criteria:


Additional Notes:


Link - 1 Link - 2

Please update this issue with progress, questions, or blockers as you work on this feature. Coordinate with the content team to finalize the welcome message and feature descriptions.

Hashan-Samarakkody commented 3 weeks ago



SamadhiWadithya commented 3 weeks ago

index.php added

SamadhiWadithya commented 3 weeks ago

landing page. css added