Hashnode / mern-starter

⛔️ DEPRECATED - Boilerplate for getting started with MERN stack
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Upgrade to React Router 4 #297

Open nreoch25 opened 7 years ago

nreoch25 commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans to upgrade react-router to version 4? It would be interesting to hear if/how you guys plan on tackling that.

ebukahills commented 7 years ago

I really need this. react-router v4 really brought a lot of changes.

infacq commented 7 years ago

Good luck for new comer

Nicholson85 commented 7 years ago


If this projects gets too dated it could discourage people from using this stack.

Spisaczek commented 7 years ago

Anyone did it on his own? Can you give some advice how to migrate mern project to react-router v4?

therladbsgh commented 7 years ago

Well, to preface I don't have much experience with using React Router. But looking at the v4 docs, I managed to make a basic working version:


import routes from '../client/routes'; 


// Server Side Rendering based on routes matched by React-router.
const reduxProvider = React.createFactory(Provider);
app.use((req, res, next) => {
  const context = {};
  const store = configureStore();
  const initialView = renderToString(
      { store },
        <Provider store={store}>
  const finalState = store.getState();

  if (context.url) {
    res.redirect(302, context.url);
  } else {
    res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html')
       .end(renderFullPage(initialView, finalState));
  return next();


import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';

const history = createBrowserHistory();

// Import Routes
import routes from './routes';

export default function App(props) {
  return (
    <Provider store={props.store}>
        <Router history={history}>


export default (
  <Route path="/" component={App} />


import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router';


<div className={styles.container}>
      exact path="/"
    <Route path="*" component={require('default-switch-case').default} />


Ballpin commented 7 years ago

I have been working on a new mern stack based on this one and react-universally. After i ran into same issue as you guys.

With react 15 and react-router 4 its working well. But with react 16 i ran into some issues with tests because react-addons-test-utils has been decapitated. If you wanna try my repo you can click at the link below.

Link to the repo https://github.com/Ballpin/mern-starter2

nreoch25 commented 6 years ago

I decided to create a very simple updated version of this stack. Tech used is React 16, React-router-4, Webpack3, Redux, Redux-saga, code Splitting with Loadable-components, HMR, SSR.

I've kept everything very simple so people new to any of these technologies shouldn't have a problem understanding what's going on.

Please let me know in the issues at the below repo if you're having any problems running this and please share.


mannyhenri commented 6 years ago

This has been officially moved to V2.8.0 and will be taken care of soon (working on V2.5)

shanhuiyang commented 5 years ago

Hi @nreoch25 ,

Since this project is deprecated, I started a new MERN project in Typescript. https://github.com/shanhuiyang/TypeScript-MERN-Starter I think the new MERN project can fulfil your requirement. It is featured by:

The project is still under construction but it already works well now. Please have a try, issues and feedbacks are welcome.