Closed that1guy closed 9 years ago
Need a way to mark a posting as sold. And to store the braintree response with that posting for company and user records. Here is example braintree response.
Also, sold postings should no longer show up in results.
{ "success": true, "result": { "transaction": { "id": "cdh5my", "status": "authorized", "type": "sale", "currencyIsoCode": "USD", "amount": "100.00", "merchantAccountId": "j55kst872k8nkw89", "orderId": null, "createdAt": "2015-05-10T21:43:12Z", "updatedAt": "2015-05-10T21:43:12Z", "customer": { "id": null, "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "company": null, "email": null, "website": null, "phone": null, "fax": null }, "billing": { "id": null, "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "company": null, "streetAddress": null, "extendedAddress": null, "locality": null, "region": null, "postalCode": null, "countryName": null, "countryCodeAlpha2": null, "countryCodeAlpha3": null, "countryCodeNumeric": null }, "refundId": null, "refundIds": [], "refundedTransactionId": null, "settlementBatchId": null, "shipping": { "id": null, "firstName": null, "lastName": null, "company": null, "streetAddress": null, "extendedAddress": null, "locality": null, "region": null, "postalCode": null, "countryName": null, "countryCodeAlpha2": null, "countryCodeAlpha3": null, "countryCodeNumeric": null }, "customFields": "", "avsErrorResponseCode": null, "avsPostalCodeResponseCode": "I", "avsStreetAddressResponseCode": "I", "cvvResponseCode": "I", "gatewayRejectionReason": null, "processorAuthorizationCode": "YSNBXW", "processorResponseCode": "1000", "processorResponseText": "Approved", "additionalProcessorResponse": null, "voiceReferralNumber": null, "purchaseOrderNumber": null, "taxAmount": null, "taxExempt": false, "creditCard": { "token": null, "bin": "411111", "last4": "1111", "cardType": "Visa", "expirationMonth": "10", "expirationYear": "2018", "customerLocation": "US", "cardholderName": null, "imageUrl": "", "uniqueNumberIdentifier": null, "prepaid": "Unknown", "healthcare": "Unknown", "debit": "Unknown", "durbinRegulated": "Unknown", "commercial": "Unknown", "payroll": "Unknown", "issuingBank": "Unknown", "countryOfIssuance": "Unknown", "productId": "Unknown", "venmoSdk": false, "maskedNumber": "411111******1111", "expirationDate": "10/2018" }, "statusHistory": [ { "timestamp": "2015-05-10T21:43:12Z", "status": "authorized", "amount": "100.00", "user": "", "transactionSource": "api" } ], "planId": null, "subscriptionId": null, "subscription": { "billingPeriodEndDate": null, "billingPeriodStartDate": null }, "addOns": [], "discounts": [], "descriptor": { "name": null, "phone": null, "url": null }, "recurring": false, "channel": null, "serviceFeeAmount": null, "escrowStatus": null, "disbursementDetails": { "disbursementDate": null, "settlementAmount": null, "settlementCurrencyIsoCode": null, "settlementCurrencyExchangeRate": null, "fundsHeld": null, "success": null }, "disputes": [], "paymentInstrumentType": "credit_card", "processorSettlementResponseCode": "", "processorSettlementResponseText": "", "threeDSecureInfo": null, "paypalAccount": {}, "coinbaseAccount": {}, "applePayCard": {} }, "success": true } }
see #50
Need a way to mark a posting as sold. And to store the braintree response with that posting for company and user records. Here is example braintree response.
Also, sold postings should no longer show up in results.