Haskell-OpenAPI-Code-Generator / Haskell-OpenAPI-Client-Code-Generator

Generate Haskell client code from an OpenAPI 3 specification
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Warn about operations and schemas listed in the CLI options but do no… #50

Closed joel-bach closed 3 years ago

joel-bach commented 3 years ago

…t exist in the specification

Example output:

Generating Stripe specification with --white-listed-schema=acounts --operation-to-generate=GetChekout

WARN  (paths): The operation 'GetChekout' which is listed for generation does not appear in the provided OpenAPI specification (Did you mean one of following options? GetCheckoutSessions, GetCheckoutSessionsSession, GetCharges).
WARN  (components.schemas): The white-listed schema 'acounts' does not appear in the provided OpenAPI specification (Did you mean one of following options? account, account_branding_settings, account_business_profile).

Generating Stripe specification with --operation-to-generate=GetCheckout

WARN  (paths): The operation 'GetCheckout' which is listed for generation does not appear in the provided OpenAPI specification (Did you mean one of following options? GetCheckoutSessions, GetCheckoutSessionsSession, PostCheckoutSessions).

Generating Stripe specification with --operation-to-generate=invoice

WARN  (paths): The operation 'invoice' which is listed for generation does not appear in the provided OpenAPI specification (Did you mean one of following options? GetInvoiceitems, PostInvoiceitems, GetInvoiceitemsInvoiceitem).
NorfairKing commented 3 years ago

Looks great! But could you line up the options vertically? That would be much easier to read through..