Haste171 / llamaindex-retrieval-api

API to load and query documents using RAG
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Add HTTPException handling to query.py #4

Open Haste171 opened 5 months ago

Haste171 commented 5 months ago

Add HTTPException handling for if the engine fails to the /query endpoint

Haste171 commented 5 months ago
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Code Snippets [routers/loaders/pdf.py ``` 1 | import tempfile, os 2 | from routers.utils.engine import Engine 3 | from llama_index import download_loader 4 | from fastapi import APIRouter, UploadFile, HTTPException 5 | 6 | engine = Engine() 7 | router = APIRouter() 8 | 9 | @router.post("/pdf") 10 | async def file(upload_file: UploadFile, namespace: str): 11 | """ 12 | Loader: https://llamahub.ai/l/file-pymu_pdf 13 | """ 14 | file_preview_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(upload_file.filename) 15 | if file_extension != '.pdf': 16 | raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File must be a PDF") 17 | 18 | with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, prefix=file_preview_name + '_', suffix=".pdf") as temp_file: 19 | content = await upload_file.read() 20 | temp_file.write(content) 21 | PyMuPDFReader = download_loader("PyMuPDFReader") 22 | loader = PyMuPDFReader().load(file_path=temp_file.name, metadata=True) 23 | engine.load(loader, namespace) 24 | 25 | return {'message': 'File uploaded successfully', 'filename': upload_file.filename, "namespace": namespace} ```, routers/loaders/ipynb.py ``` 1 | import tempfile, os 2 | from routers.utils.engine import Engine 3 | from pathlib import Path 4 | from llama_index import download_loader 5 | from fastapi import APIRouter, UploadFile, HTTPException 6 | 7 | engine = Engine() 8 | router = APIRouter() 9 | 10 | @router.post("/ipynb") 11 | async def file(upload_file: UploadFile, namespace: str): 12 | """ 13 | Loader: https://llamahub.ai/l/file-ipynb 14 | """ 15 | file_preview_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(upload_file.filename) 16 | if file_extension != '.ipynb': 17 | raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="File must be a IPynb") 18 | 19 | with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, prefix=file_preview_name + '_', suffix=".ipynb") as temp_file: 20 | content = await upload_file.read() 21 | temp_file.write(content) 22 | IPYNBReader = download_loader("IPYNBReader") 23 | loader = IPYNBReader(concatenate=True).load_data(file=Path(temp_file.name)) 24 | engine.load(loader, namespace) 25 | 26 | return {'message': 'File uploaded successfully', 'filename': upload_file.filename, "namespace": namespace} ```, README.md ``` 1 | # retrieval-api 2 | Retrieval API that utilizes llama-index 3 | 4 | # Installation 5 | `pip install -r requirements.txt` 6 | 7 | # Startup 8 | `uvicorn main:app --reload` 9 | 10 | # Access 11 | http://localhost:8000/docs 12 | 13 | # Loaders 14 | `PDF` `DOCX` `IPYNB` 15 | 16 | # TODO ```, README.md ``` 16 | # TODO 17 | - Add API endpoint for chatting with content (chat history etc.) ref. https://gpt-index.readthedocs.io/en/stable/core_modules/query_modules/chat_engines/usage_pattern.html 18 | - Add more loaders 19 | - Create dynamic loader for files (one endpoint) ```, .gitignore ``` 1 | # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files 2 | __pycache__/ 3 | *.py[cod] 4 | *$py.class 5 | 6 | # C extensions 7 | *.so 8 | 9 | # Distribution / packaging 10 | .Python 11 | build/ 12 | develop-eggs/ 13 | dist/ 14 | downloads/ 15 | eggs/ 16 | .eggs/ ```]