HatScripts / circle-flags

A collection of 400+ minimal circular SVG country, state and language flags
MIT License
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Safari blurry icons #41

Open kostyukdg opened 2 years ago

kostyukdg commented 2 years ago


Your library is awesome. It works perfectly on any device except for safari(iOS and desktop). The flags are blurry.

device screenshot

It happens when you load an image from url <img src="https://hatscripts.github.io/circle-flags/flags/br.svg" width="48">

I found solutions but looks tricky <object type="image/svg+xml" data={path} />

It only affects icons from this library. That's why I guess it has some problems with svg structure.

Thanks again for your work!

HatScripts commented 2 years ago

Hi @kostyukdg, I'm glad you like the library. Could you please elaborate or provide more screenshots? Unless I am missing something, the screenshot you provided doesn't appear to show obviously blurry flag icons. Thanks!

waldyrious commented 2 years ago

I think he may mean the borders around the icons:


Maybe Safari is not able to properly render the alpha masks (#11/#18)? I wonder if using <clipPath> instead of <mask> might work better. After all, we only need a binary mask (which is what clipPath provides), not a gradual transparency as mask allows (and we're not using, since the mask path we're using is filled with solid white).

In #18, @climech said that

<mask> was chosen over <clipPath> because the former results in slightly smaller file sizes (exactly 1 byte smaller 🙃).

So if <clipPath> is better supported by renderers (to be determined!), maybe the extra 1 byte would be an acceptable workaround.

HatScripts commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed now: https://github.com/HatScripts/circle-flags/releases/tag/v2.5.0

Replace mask with border-radius across all flags:

<svg ...><mask id="a"><circle cx="256" cy="256" r="256" fill="#fff"/></mask><g mask="url(#a)">...</g></svg>


<svg ... style="border-radius:50%">...</svg>
waldyrious commented 2 years ago

Nice, @HatScripts! Out of curiosity, why did you go with border-radius instead of clipPath? Smaller files?

Edit: either way, it's nice that it was done via CSS, since now the clipping of the flags to different shapes can be done without tweaking the SVG — see #51!

waldyrious commented 2 years ago

Cross-referencing #52 and #53 for future reference. It seems like it might be a good idea to pick (and document) the list of platforms/software we want to target and guarantee proper rendering.

In any case, I'd say that, assuming we want to support the platforms where border-radius doesn't work, it's preferable to have blurry borders in Safari (which might even be solved with using a <clipPath> instead of <mask>), than non-round icons at all elsewhere.