HatScripts / circle-flags

A collection of 400+ minimal circular SVG country, state and language flags
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Add Jolly Roger #83

Closed shankarsivarajan closed 1 year ago

waldyrious commented 1 year ago

Nice work! IMO the perfectly round eyes make the skull look a bit off, though. Have you tried something a bit more lopsided/uneven/droopy?

shankarsivarajan commented 1 year ago

I haven't; I don't quite see the problem you're describing, but I'm gonna guess it's something to do with the idea of "visual weight." I don't understand it well enough to distort circles in an aesthetically satisfactory way myself, but I suppose one could just use the outline of the letter "O" from some non-geometric font, where the designer would have done the work of balancing the glyph. Any suggestions?

waldyrious commented 1 year ago

Yeah, it's hard to make a specific description. I think looking at some existing images may give an idea of the kind of unevenness I had in mind for the orbits.

Here are some quick experiments:

original: variant 1:
variant 2: variant 3:
jolly-roger jolly-roger

There isn't a "correct" shape; I just feel the round eyes kind of make the skull look a bit spooked up itself.

shankarsivarajan commented 1 year ago

I see what you mean, but I don't think I can improve what I have (at least not yet). Perhaps it looks good enough at the smaller sizes it's intended to be used at?

waldyrious commented 1 year ago

Fair enough. I'm happy to defer to @HatScripts' preference.

HatScripts commented 1 year ago

Thanks @shankarsivarajan and @waldyrious. Here's my design for the Jolly Roger. Please let me know what you think.

And here's a version with less negative space:

shankarsivarajan commented 1 year ago

The one with less negative space looks good.

Perhaps a more rounded nose?

And just for the lulz, here it is with a circular nose.

waldyrious commented 1 year ago

Here's my design for the Jolly Roger. Please let me know what you think.

That's really good! I love it :D Interestingly, I feel that the circular eyes don't make the skull lose its "edge" in this case. I think the rest of the design using angular shapes and the the upper teeth being more evident help in that regard.

I do prefer the nose with slightly rounded corners in @shankarsivarajan's variant, although the plain triangle works well too.

HatScripts commented 1 year ago

Done! 9d4ae0e - Thanks for your help, @shankarsivarajan and @waldyrious.

Accessible via either fictional/pirate.svg or fictional/jolly_roger.svg