HatScripts / youtube-auto-liker

A userscript that automatically likes 👍 each video you watch on YouTube ▶️
68 stars 15 forks source link

Doesn't work anymore :( #34

Closed riccardosimo closed 3 days ago

riccardosimo commented 9 months ago

Hi guys :) Since 3/4 days the script stopped working :( My chrome version is 121.0.6167.57. Do u have the same problem or it's just me?

bonelifer commented 9 months ago

@riccardosimo Hadn't been working for me. I use this one now: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/482555-youtube-auto-like

HatScripts commented 9 months ago

Should be working again now, (v1.3.28, https://github.com/HatScripts/youtube-auto-liker/commit/8aaab952aeacd2d950ed24a55103839f8f2ab156)