HateForge-WoW / Bugtracker

Hateforge's Vanilla Bugtracker
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Battleground bugs and or suggestions #231

Open Dotcrit opened 5 months ago

Dotcrit commented 5 months ago

Let me start off by complimenting the team with how, generally speakin, smooth battlegrounds scripts can run and how a single player can still enjoy battleground pops whilst playing versus bots. Hoewever, having played pvp for some while now (and sometimes the anger that comes along with playing with/versus bots) has made me make a small list of issues, of which I hope can bee looked into:

**General, all battlegrounds: 1) Pet dying because of unlucky pathhing > solution: active follow pathing, following player path** Pets, from hunter or warlock, don't actively follow you when jumping down from certain mountains which are usually never walked around: for example at the WSG or Alterac Valley graveyards. This causes your pet to walk all the way to Zimbabwe, trying to path normally, but walking so far distance that it causes the pet to vanish/die and thus having to resummon it (if you even have the soul shard for it) and thus losing mana and time.

2) Lack of mage buffs > solution: mage buffs Somehow mages don't seem to mass buff their groups. Being a caster would be lovely to have the mana and crit improvement of their buffs.

Arathi Basin 1) Bot Swim speed > solution: swim speed conform players Having encountered multiple times, bots seem to not be slowed when venturing through waters. Meaning, if u try to run away from a shitload of enemies, entering the water results in the bots coming at you faster because they do not have the lowered swim speeds as normal players would.

Warsong Gulch 1) Bots walk endlessly with flag >solution: command for bots dropping flag Often, enemy bots pick up the flag, and walk their paths to their respective graveyard, from here they can do 2 things: 1 is running to the base and capture it, but this hardly happends. 2nd option is to jump down the graveyard, and initiate the endless cycle of ramp > graveyard > ramp > graveyard. In multiple occassions I would even find my bot teammate flag carrier return with the flag towards enemy base. A suggestion here would make a command to allow the bot to drop the flag, so you can manually take control again and progress in the battleground.

These things would greatly improve gamplay. Hope it can be looked into.

Kind regards,


Nolin7777 commented 5 months ago

Nice list thx

ghost commented 4 months ago

Bezüglich der Flaggen Problematik, wäre es vielleicht eine Option das wenn eigene Flagge in Base, zurück in die Base priorisiert wird und wenn keine Flagge in Base der Walk around the World gemacht wird. Oder das Bots erst nie die Flagge aufnehmen sondern nur zurück holen.