HathorNetwork / hathor-explorer-service

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fix: total number of transactions are incorrect on the token balances page #179

Closed andreabadesso closed 2 years ago

andreabadesso commented 2 years ago


We noticed that the number of transactions on the explorer token balances screen was displaying an incorrect amount of total transactions for the hathor token

Upon investigation, the conclusion was that during a re-org, the transactions column was being incorrectly re-calculated by using only tx_outputs, excluding the tx_inputs that also had the addresses involved.


The explorer service uses the new elasticsearch instance as a backend to fetch token information, including the number of transactions done by each address that owns a given token.

To fetch the information about the total number of addresses and the total number of transactions, it runs the following query:

  'size': 0,
  'query': {
      'bool': {
          'must': [
              {'match': {'token_id': TOKEN_ID}},
              {'range': {'total': {'gt': 0}}},
  'aggs': {
      'address_count': {
          'value_count': {
              'field': 'address.keyword'
      'transaction_sum': {
          'sum': {
              'field': 'transactions'

It calculates the sum of the transactions column for all the address_balance rows for the searched token_id for all balances that have more than 0 tokens.

I checked the biggest addresses balances using the v1a/thin_wallet/address_search?address= API from the fullnode, using a locally synced fullnode (without the address blacklist) and found big divergences on the number of transactions for the largest miners on the list.


This divergence indicates an error on the mechanism that calculates the transactions column of the address_balance table.

This column is calculated when a new transaction is received from the fullnode by the wallet-service daemon and then sent to the onNewTxRequest lambda on the wallet-service

The way we increment this column is by incrementing it on every transaction for every address_token row on this method while updating the address balances

INSERT INTO address_balance
        SET ...
            UPDATE unlocked_balance = unlocked_balance + ?,
                   locked_balance = locked_balance + ?,
                   transactions = transactions + 1,

I discarted the possibility of an error on this method as we have a good coverage on it and the error does not appear to be consistent on every address_balance row, I checked this by creating multiple transactions on a new token and it calculated the sum of transactions for my address correctly.


Next, I investigated if we lost transactions for some reason during the sync, I did this by downloading all the transactions for an address that I knew had problems on the transactions column from the fullnode and made a script to check if they all existed on the wallet-service:

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

// This script expects the exported transaction list from the wallet-service to be ordered by timestamp, DESC
const walletServiceTxList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./txs_wallet_service.json')).entries();
// This script also expects the same ordering for the transactions from the fullnode
const txsStream = fs.createReadStream('./txs_fullnode.txt');

const main = async () => {
  let linesRead = 0;

  const rl = readline.createInterface({
    input: txsStream,
    crlfDelay: Infinity,

  for await (const line of rl) {
    const [timestamp, txId, voided] = line.split(' ');

    if (voided) continue; // We don't have voided txs on the exported wallet-service dataset

    const [_index, walletServiceTx] = walletServiceTxList.next().value;

    if (walletServiceTx.tx_id !== txId) {
      throw new Error(`Tx id mistmatch on ${txId}, was expecting ${walletServiceTx.tx_id}`);

    if (walletServiceTx.timestamp !== timestamp) {
      throw new Error(`Tx timestamp mismatch on ${txId}`);

    console.log(`${txId} matched on ${walletServiceTx.tx_id}`);

    linesRead += 1;

  console.log(`Stopped before ${walletServiceTxList.next().value}`);

  console.log(`We read ${linesRead} from the fullnode and ${walletServiceTxList.size} lines from wallet-service`);


This is the query I've used to get the transactions from the wallet-service database (the timestamp on the query is the timestamp of the latest transaction from the fullnode):

          SELECT DISTINCT(tx_output.tx_id), tx_output.voided, transaction.timestamp
            FROM tx_output
 LEFT OUTER JOIN transaction ON transaction.tx_id = tx_output.tx_id
           WHERE tx_output.address = '-address-'
             AND transaction.timestamp <= 1659030450
        ORDER BY timestamp ASC;

With this script, I've found a missing transaction. Checking the transaction table, I noticed that we had it stored correctly

The reason for this is that I was using the tx_output table to query for the transaction list for a given address (as we don't have a column that indicates all addresses involved in a transaction on the transaction table).

The problem with this approach is that we don't consider the tx_inputs, so if a transaction used an utxo from an address and didn't send it to the same address, we would not calculate it on the transactions count.


I searched the code for every query that changes the address_balance table and found two other places that mutates the transactions column: handleReorg and handleVoided

Whenever a re-org or a voided transaction happens, we re-calculate the balances and the transaction count for every address involved. Using only the tx_outputs works fine for balance re-calculation as balances are the sum of the available utxos for a given (address, token_id) pair, but it will miss transactions that only have the address on the inputs list

So, finally, the reason why we had addresses with invalid transaction counts is because those addresses have had re-orgs or voided transactions in the past and their balances were re-calculated incorrectly.


The proposed solution is implemented on this PR. The idea is to re-calculate the transactions count by doing the inverse of what the updateAddressTablesWithTx method is doing, instead of adding transactions to the rows affected by a transaction, we will subtract transactions depending on the number of transactions affected by a re-org.

This is done by using the address_tx_history table, that is already being updated when a re-org happens with the affected transactions being marked as voided.

Basically, the idea is to query a count of transactions that need to be subtracted from the address_balance transaction column. This is done using this query:

    SELECT address, COUNT(DISTINCT(tx_id)) AS txCount, token_id as tokenId
      FROM address_tx_history 
     WHERE tx_id IN (--transactions--)
       AND voided = TRUE
  GROUP BY address, token_id

This way, whenever a re-org or a voided transaction happens, we can simply subtract the affected transactions (that are already being handled) from the transactions row on the address_balance table.

More details about the fix impementation can be seen on the PR

Fix the current database

We currently have address_balance rows with invalid values for the transaction column, to fix those we would need a complete re-org

Long-term solution

The long-term solution would be to do a complete re-sync of the wallet-service database, this way we can be sure that the transactions count for every address is correctly stored

Short-term solution

To prevent having to do a complete re-sync of the database, which would take some days, we can use the current database to re-calculate the transactions count for every address we believe have incorrect values for the transactions column

So, for every address we want to re-calculate, we can use the following query that will sum the number of transactions from the tx_output list and the number of transactions from the "synthetic" tx_input list derived from the spent_by column of the tx_outputs:

          SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(tx_output.tx_id))
            FROM tx_output
 LEFT OUTER JOIN transaction ON transaction.tx_id = tx_output.tx_id
           WHERE tx_output.address = '--address--'
) + (
          SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(tx_output.spent_by))
            FROM tx_output
 LEFT OUTER JOIN transaction ON transaction.tx_id = tx_output.spent_by
           WHERE tx_output.address = '--address--'
             AND tx_output.spent_by NOT IN (
                      SELECT DISTINCT(tx_output.tx_id) AS tx_id
                        FROM tx_output
                       WHERE tx_output.address = '--address--'
) AS transactions;

We can extract the list of all addresses that have ever been affected by a re-org or had a voided transaction by using the address_tx_history and the tx_output table, this is the query:

SELECT DISTINCT(address) FROM tx_output WHERE tx_id IN (
    SELECT tx_id FROM address_tx_history WHERE voided = TRUE

Notice: We need to stop the wallet-service sync before running those queries as the balances are currently being updated by new transactions arriving from the network

Reviewers: @pedroferreira1 @r4mmer

pedroferreira1 commented 2 years ago

For me this is approved, I just have a question

To prevent having to do a complete re-sync of the database, which would take some days, we can use the current database to re-calculate the transactions count for every address we believe have incorrect values for the transactions column

Which are those addresses? They should be all addresses that were ever affected by a re-org, or any address that belong to an input/output of a voided transaction/block.

andreabadesso commented 2 years ago


We can extract the list of affected addresses by using the address_tx_history and the tx_output tables, I've updated the design with the query we can use to do that

I just ran it on the mainnet database and we have 4 addresses that need to be re-calculated

r4mmer commented 2 years ago

LGTM :+1: