HathorNetwork / hathor-wallet-mobile

Hathor official mobile wallet
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UX/UI: Wallet Mobile Nano Contract Integration #445

Open anafigueired opened 2 months ago

anafigueired commented 2 months ago

The Wallet Mobile Nano Contract Integration has 4 flows until now. Here are only depict the happy path of all them.

To see interactions and instructions, please access the Figma File here.

Flow 1: Nano Contract Transactions

Flow 1_ Nano Contract Transactions

~ Address edition selector ~

Address Selector

Flow 2: Nano Contract Registration

Flow 2_ Nano Contract Registration

Flow 3: Modal

Flow 3_ Modal

Flow 4: Tokens Screen

Flow 4_ Tokens Screen

alexruzenhack commented 2 months ago

Reviewer: @pedroferreira1

pedroferreira1 commented 2 months ago

I have some considerations regarding the screens:

  1. Screen 2.1.1: the button name should be something else, what do you think about "Confirm new address"?
  2. Flow 3 screen 1: dApp details message: where did the text on top come from? I think we could re-write it.
  3. Flow 3 screen 3.1: The message could be "Transaction successfully sent." and the button "Close". We agreed that on close we wouldn't go to any other screen, we would go back to the screen the user was seeing before.
anafigueired commented 2 months ago
  1. Changed!
  2. This message came from other examples of connecting a dapp, like uniswap does. They have a security message, and talking to Abadesso, he recommended to have one here as well. We could talk further to adapt it if does not make sense for that modal.
  3. Yes, thats right. Changed.
pedroferreira1 commented 2 months ago

This message came from other examples of connecting a dapp, like uniswap does. They have a security message, and talking to Abadesso, he recommended to have one here as well. We could talk further to adapt it if does not make sense for that modal.

Ok! We should discuss only this message but I won't hold the approval only because of that. For me this is approved.

alexruzenhack commented 2 months ago

It is approved.

hathorwales commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone,

I would like to provide some feedback regarding the UX/UI: Wallet Mobile Nano Contract Integration. Perhaps we should aim for a more modern and engaging approach. Some have stated that it looked like a design from years ago, that shows that the aesthetic of the wallet caused many of community members to wonder if these screenshots were from 2019.

We are part of the community and we would love to participate and help however we can to support the team and make this project grow!

anafigueired commented 1 month ago

Hello everyone,

I would like to provide some feedback regarding the UX/UI: Wallet Mobile Nano Contract Integration. Perhaps we should aim for a more modern and engaging approach. Some have stated that it looked like a design from years ago, that shows that the aesthetic of the wallet caused many of community members to wonder if these screenshots were from 2019.

We are part of the community and we would love to participate and help however we can to support the team and make this project grow!

Hello! :) Thank you for your suggestion. We have indeed started working on UI/UX redesigns of both the mobile and desktop wallets. However, we are not expecting to have the new design ready before the launch of Nano Contracts and we didn't want to implement a new design only in the new screens for nanos... So, when we launch it, it will be implemented across all pages at the same time.